‘I Drink Whiskey’ — #lyrics to a #pop #rock #ballad

Here you go. I’m drunk enough that I find myself writing lyrics as a form of mental masturbation.

I Drink Whiskey
lyrics by @sheltgarner
Please give credit if you produce or perform

don’t know what to tell you
when the mood strikes me
it can be sublime
I don’t drink wine
nor whine if I drink beer
but in a pinch no matter what
I always drink whiskey

whiskey has a kick
that I feel in my gut
I drink whiskey it’s true
what else am I going to do
but drink whiskey, drink whiskey
drink whiskey

my mind is racing
thinking of you naked
maybe if you drink with me
we’ll have a tumble between the sheets
something we’ll both regret
who knows though
a baby may come of it

whiskey has a kick
that I feel in my gut
I drink whiskey it’s true
what else am I going to do
but drink whiskey, drink whiskey
drink whiskey

I try to stay sober
I really do no matter what
but when you leer at me
and say you’re feeling saucy
I know what will cause some audacity

whiskey has a kick
that I feel in my gut
I drink whiskey it’s true
what else am I going to do
but drink whiskey, drink whiskey
drink whiskey

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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