by Shelt Garner

It happened again. I am blocked by someone I’ve never interacted with on Twitter. And, this time, it’s even more unnerving because it’s someone I ostensibly agree with politically.
There are a few possible reasons for why this happened:
- For You Page
It’s possible that because I showed up on their For You Page on Twitter they blocked me because I re-tweeted a hot chick or something. Something where I was being harmless but they reacted to what they saw in a way that caused them to block me. - Mueller, She Wrote
They could be friends with the hyper-sensitive Mueller, She Wrote and she is bad mouthing me to everyone she can find. - “Hysterical Doom Shit”
It could be that they just don’t like all my “hysterical doom shit” that I peddle about Trump. - They think I’m a kook.
This could be just another example of the “Kook Tax” at work. I’m being punished for being “colorful.”