‘Sorry For Making You Late’ — #lyrics to a #pop #rock #ballad

Sorry For Making You Late
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

the months come and go
and the moon is on show
your aunt give you the talk
so I guess I’m on the spot
all I can say is
I’m sorry I made you late
I’m sorry I made you late
I’m sorry I made you late

grab your coat
get on the boat
we’re heading for adventure
just the the two of us
up in smoke
because no matter what
we’re about to float
I’m sorry I made you late
I’m sorry I made you late
I’m sorry I made you late

keep in side
maybe nature and fate will abide
there’s no use crying now, babe
there are changes all around
I get your drift
maybe we should protect what we got
which at this moment is not a lot

I’m sorry I made you late
I’m sorry I made you late
I’m sorry I made you late

The State Of The Third Draft Of My First Novel For Dec. 11th, 2023

Pondering How Trump Would, In Practical Terms, Be An American Dictator

The State Of The Third Draft Of My First Novel As Of Dec. 10th, 2023

When You Reach A Fork In The Road, Take It: America’s Political Choice In Late 2024, Early 2025

by Shelt Garner

Here are my personal opinions as to why each one of the potential endgames might happen.
Civil War (Right)
* Trump simply will not accept defeat.
* As such, faced with the possibility of going to prison, Trump might demand a National Divorce to keep his sorry ass out of it.
* They say you go bankrupt gradually, then all at once, so the moment Trump begins to rant about the need for a National Divorce, it’s possible that states — probably starting with Texas — will take him up on it.
* Because of corrosive issues like abortion and guns, it’s possible that the whole system will collapse given some added pressure.


* Something unexpected could happen like happened in 2020.
* It’s always possible that even if Trump demands a National Divorce after losing, Red States may choke and not initiate a Secession Crisis.
* There’s no evidence that we’re actually on the cusp of a civil war.
Revolution (Left)

* Trump is so stupid and so lazy that rather than do basic autocratic moves, he could go full tyrant — in Blue States at least — in such a way that pisses people off so much that they want to overthrow Trump.
* It’s possible that Trump could be so brazen and chaotic in his tyranny in Blue States that people who would otherwise be pretty chill with an *autocrat* will freak the fuck out if Trump is actual *dictator*.
* Any sort of “revolution” against Tyrant Trump would be extremely risky and might only serve to make him more powerful in the end.

*It’s possible that because so many smug liberals have left the country after election day that there won’t be any leadership left to direct any sort of “revolution” against Tyrant Trump

If Cranky Programmers Get What They Want From AI, It Will Mean The End Of Civilization

by Shelt Garner

From what I can tell from Twitter, a lot of programmers are angry at OpenAI for a variety of reasons in respect to the performance of ChatGTP. It seems as though they want to continue to rake in huge salaries while letting ChatGPT to all hard work for them.

They want Artificial General Intelligence and they want it NOW.

This very annoying for a number of reasons. One is, the moment get true “proxy humans” via AGI, many, many high paying jobs –including that of programmer — will be nothing more than dust in the wind. All the cantankerous programmers work off of an basic false assumption.

They seem to think that they will have any sort of job if they just push a button to get many, many hours of work done in a heartbeat. The moment that is possible, they will be redundant. That’s just how capitalism works. Suddenly Universal Basic Income becomes a real viable policy agenda.

Something about how self-intitled and snarky all these programmers are about what ChatGPT — or can’t — do at the moment, really grinds my gears. Just chill out guys. It’s coming. And then you won’t have a job.

The Red King: Trump Will Rule Blue America As a Tyrant

by Shelt Garner

It is clear to me that Trump’s “dictatorship” will actually be more of a hybrid than a true dictatorship. He essentially wants to use the power of Red States to force Blue States to submit to his will. This is, of course, a very volatile situation with no apparent endgame.

It’s not like Trump is hiding what he wants to do, though. In the now notorious Sean Hannity interview, it went out of his way to use the word “dictatorship.” I can only imagine that this is a bit of FUD on his part. He wants to stoke the energy of the base while scaring the shit out of, well, people like me.

Trump says there are two things he wants to do for his “one day dictatorship.” He wants to close the border and “drill baby drill.” Why he couldn’t do either one of those things by using the traditional governance in the United States is something of a mystery. (America is pumping out oil at an unpreceded level.)

Given what we know how ding-dong’s mind works, by the time the election rolls around, he will pretty much be saying “I WILL BE A DICATOR” at the top of his lungs. And people will still vote for him.

I just don’t see how this is going to work. Yes, he could re-imagine the U.S. Military in his own imagine. But for two things — one, the American Military is a democratic institution on an existential basis. And two, what ding-dong really wants is an SA to knock heads. And the Blue portions of the US are so huge and populated that…oh boy. He would have to organize and build out an American SA of no less than 500,000 shock troops.

It would take time to do that. And the whole country could be collapsing into political chaos as he was calling up the “good old boy reserves” in rural Red States. It would just take time. The Nazi SA was built out over the course of a decade. Tyrant Trump has made it clear he wants to be a dictator from the get-go, so, I dunno.

It will be a curious time in American politics and history.

Economics, AI & ‘Woke’ Hollywood

The State Of Third Draft Of My First Novel For December 9th, 2023

Just ‘Tweeting Harder’ Isn’t Going To Fix Jack Shit When It Comes to MAGA Tyranny