‘Don’t Rage’ — Lyrics To A Sad, Slow Anti-Trump Protest Ballad

I have come to believe that the only way to get out of Trumplandia is to engage people who disagree with us. These lyrics are about that. In my vision of this song, it would be a slow ballad like “Say Something.” You could probably garble it a little bit so it’s not quite as “woke” as I would like it to be.

Don’t Rage
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

don’t rage, engage
cross the divide and the pain
try to believe it when I say I have empathy
we can disagree without rage
we can try to engage each other I believe
don’t rage, engage

we’re falling apart I fear
there’s little we can say that
hasn’t been said before
we’re the same people
that’s obvious to see
why can’t you understand
are core beliefs are the same
don’t rage, engage

don’t rage, engage
cross the divide and the pain
try to believe it when I say I have empathy
we can disagree without rage
we can try to engage each other I believe
don’t rage, engage

the earth is all ours to share
if we don’t work together we’re all going down
we have to stop fighting each other so much
begin to engage for what it’s worth

don’t rage, engage
cross the divide and the pain
try to believe it when I say I have empathy
we can disagree without rage
we can try to engage each other I believe
don’t rage, engage

don’t rage, engage
don’t rage, engage
don’t rage, engage

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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