‘You Remind Me Of My Daughter’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Dance Pop Song

Now, I know that typically songs like this start with beats then go from there, but I enjoy telling stories in verse so you get this. It’s just for fun. It’s relaxing.

You Remind Me of My Daughter
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

you remind me of my daughter
you remind me of my daughter
you remind me of my daughter

you’re my kind of girl
I’ll never lie to you
lure you to my bedroom
we can watch shark week
you’ll be on my show
I’ll make you a star
after we go far, far, far

you remind me of my daughter
you remind me of my daughter
you remind me of my daughter

no know has to know
that you’re going to the show
because of what we do between the sheets
you can spank me all you like
I’ll be your little boy with a hiss
when people ask what we have together
I’ll just say with a smile

you remind me of my daughter
you remind me of my daughter
you remind me of my daughter

no one will understand
why you make me so glad
all the other girls will be envious
because they know I like it rough

you remind me of my daughter
you remind me of my daughter
you remind me of my daughter

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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