There Will Be Unprecedented Political Violence In The Fall

by Shelt Garner

When the history books are written, it won’t be COVID19 that 2020-2021 is remembered for, it will be the waves of political violence that will terrorize America.

The death toll may grow so shocking that we will all turn our heads in shame.

It will likely be 40 years from now, of course, because, lulz, it will all go down the memory hole in Trump’s second term. AOC will have to overthrow House Trump in 2060 in a popular uprising before the true extent of the MAGA violence that destroyed the United States will ultimately be understood.

Trump will be on Twitter egging MAGA on during all of it. His goal will be to get a second term and he will get it. Or, if somehow, miraculously, Electors don’t vote for Trump, then Trump will order MAGA to murder even more people as we struggle to figure out how to get him physically out of the White House.

And even if we do get him out of the White House, a new MAGA Deep State will do everything in its power to bring down the new Biden Administration. And, in the end, it will be President Tom Cotton or President Mike Flynn or President Mike Pompeo who ultimately ends the Republic.

It’s over. Get out while you can.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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