Advertising & My Theoretical ‘Twitter Killer’

by Shelt Garner

The intriguing thing about this proposed Twitter Killer is its base unit is the full page Post. The Post would exist in the context of a robust threading feature inside of Groups.

If you establish that, then some pretty cool advertising possibilities flow from it. You could provide advertisers targeted, full page multimedia ads where consumers could buy a product without having to jump to a different Website. Like Apple gets a 30% cut of all of its online transactions, you could demand a tidty chunk of whatever revenue that came out of people buying a widget from an ad Post.

And, remember, one man’s spam is another man’s delight. So, really, the main problem is how you slip in the ad in a seamless way. I think the way you do it is as people are going from Post to Post in a thread, they get a very, very specific ad relative to whatever is being discussed in the Thread that the User is browsing.

The Posts imputed into the service would be sliced and diced in a number of different ways, with a number of different ways to access them, so as long as the ad was really targeted, I don’t think people would might having a huge ad served to them.

But, as I keep saying, all of this is hypothetical and theoretical. It’s fun to think about while I’m not working on my first novel.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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