by Shelt Garner
Something…strange…is going on. It seems as though my Tik-Tok feed is full of UFO sightings just as Congress is taking the UFOs seriously. It’s enough to make you wonder if Something Is up.

And what might be “up” is something akin to First Contact…but in a very gentle way, ambiguous way. The idea would be to bust our cherry in the softest way possible so by the time Hard First Contact is necessary, we won’t be so spooked and scared by it all.
But all of this is EXTREMELY speculative. And, most of all, it brings up the question of, “Why now?” I have no idea if it’s actually happening, much less have an answer for, “Why now?” But the case might be made that relative to the metrics of some sort of galactic civilization, we’re heading towards something akin to the Singularity and, as such, we are ready for some sort of First Contact.
But I still find all of this very dubious. I guess I want something a lot closer to Hard First Contact before I will give all the bullshit being seen about UFOs here or there any credience.
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