The Moment Someone Mentions The ‘Pence Pivot,’ I’m Going To Lose My Shit

by Shelton Bumgarner

It goes without saying that we’ve finally achieved dystopia. This has happened in large part to complete complacency of the “Lulz, nothing matters” conservatives who are too busy raising their children, working hard and paying taxes to care about anything Trump does. They just don’t care. They cared for a few days in late 2016 around the election and they made their decision.

Everyone else, meanwhile, looks around and sees hell. The very things that people like me have been worried about when it comes to Trump have come to pass. We’re careening towards a theocratic, autocratic plutocracy. This has been building for decades and with the advent of Trump has accelerated at light speed. We still have several more years of Trump bad behavior before the “Lulz, nothing matters” conservatives finally begin to care again. In fact, it may be 2020 or 2024 before they stop raising their kids long enough to pause, again, to take an interest in politics.

It is because of the “Lulz, nothing matters” conservatives that Bob Mueller could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with the Russians and nothing will happen. Add to all of this the very real possibility that Trump will wag the dog by starting a war with the DPRK and the future of the United States is pretty dark for the next few decades.

But should Trump finally, finally do something so heinous, so obscene that the “Lulz, nothing matters” conservatives get woke, there is a very real possibility that at the very moment they agree with me that Trump has, at last, gone too far and has to go, they will do the Pence Pivot. The Pence Pivot, at least in my mind, is when a Trump supporter says, in essence, that it was all worth it because they wanted Mike Pence to be president, anyway.

I am not a violent man, but the first time someone uses that argument on line or in person, I’m going to lose my shit. I am going to scream until I’m mute. That someone would just ignore the damage Trump has done with the wave of a hand and say it doesn’t matter Pence is president now is such an affront to everything I believe in I’m going to flip my lid. I’m going to lose my shit.

But I doubt we’ll ever get to that point. The “Lulz, nothing matters” conservatives are so content with Trump’s insane vision of America that we will never reach the Trump Singularity when the Pence Pivot happens. There’s nothing we can do. Nothing. This is it. The end. The America that I knew growing up is no more and the only reason why I’m not moving back to Seoul is, in real terms, I can’t.

Of The Resistance, #NeverTrump, A United Front, The #2018Midterms & A Flag

by Shelton Bumgarner

I propose a United Front against Donald Trump in the 2018 election cycle designed with the sole purpose of electing people to Congress willing to vote to impeach and convict Donald Trump. Right now, there are two groups: the Left’s Resistance and the Right’s #NeverTrump. I propose the two formally united the banner of a United Front.

Now, I like to name things and the first name for a united front that comes to mind is the Jackson-Lincoln United Front, uniting the founders of the two major political parties. But, of course, everyone wants to hate on Jackson these days for being a horrible racist, so that would be problematic. So, maybe Washington-Lincoln might be better. Or even the Roosevelt-Reagan United Front. Something symbolic that represents the two sides of the political spectrum. Or, hell, maybe even the Comey United Front. I’d know. Work with me.

I also suggest a flag to go with the United Front. Now, the reaction of many — many nearly all — is we already have a flag, Old Glory, which would be perfect for the job. But to suggest that misses the point. Old Glory is great and all, but we need something specific to a United Front that would help united people in the specific goal of impeaching and convicting Donald J. Trump. There are so many things we could impeach Trump for at this point that the Articles of Impeachment write themselves.

Talk To Me Internet: Inspired To #Write A #Novel Because of The #Movie Lady Bird

by Shelton Bumgarner

As I have said before, I have been inspired to write a novel because of the movie Lady Bird. A lot of different things are coming together to create the plot. I am drawing heavily upon my own life in various ways and it will be interesting to see how far along I get with this, yet another effort to write a novel. But I enjoy the process of writing and I’m looking for a big creative project so this is it.

Talk To Me Internet: I Was Inspired By ‘Lady Bird’

by Shelton Bumgarner

I saw the movie “Lady Bird” last night and it has inspired me to tell my own story. It will be interesting to see what happens. I need to just let the story flow and not overthink it.

Talk To Me Internet: “Slay The Patriarchy?” What Does That Even Mean?

by Shelton Bumgarner

In these two videos I talk about the continuing cultural shift in the political and cultural landscape caused by the #MeToo movement.

Talk To Me Internet: #TakeBackAmerica

by Shelton Bumgarner

This is what it is. If Donald Trump can have #MAGA, The Resistance can have #TBA. Yeah, it sounds like “To Be Announced,” but nothing’s perfect. This is probably fade like all my ideas and I’ll go back to struggling with a novel.

Some Idle Mulling Of Using The Slogan “Take Back America” For The #Resistance

by Shelton Bumgarner

I am frustrated. It’s frustrating that 2018 is fast approaching and it doesn’t seem as though anyone is taking seriously the titanic, epic fight against dark forces that The Resistance has to face down during the the mid-term election cycle.

I have proposed “Take Back America” as a slogan for The Resistance, though “Take America Back” would be just as good.

But I don’t know. It’s all kind of sad. I don’t know what to make of it. I wish there was something I could do personally to spearhead things in 2018, but there’s nothing I can do. I got squat. Anyway. I guess I can keep bitching and moaning on Twitter and Facebook Live to anyone who will listen.

Talk To Me Internet: Al Franken Has Got To Go

by Shelton Bumgarner

It’s really sad, but Sen. Al Franken has to resign. It’s the right thing to do and it’s the only way to eliminate this distraction from the issue at hand: getting rid of Donald Trump. I go into a to of detail about my thoughts on this matter in these two Facebook Lives.

‘Have A Great Life’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Power Ballad

Trump, besides putting his grubby hands on a great Beatles lyric, is just a fountain head of lyrics today. So, here goes. The meaning of these lyrics is kind of muddled.

Have A Great Life
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

the end is near it seems between us
we’re going to have to accept
that the last lap has been run
we’re done, done, done
you’ll be gone soon enough
leaving all this behind

have a great life
is all I have to say
have a great life
I mention to my dismay

the powers that be have kicked you out
you had power over me now you’re just a lout
when we look back upon this time
we’ll struggle to figure out
how it happen at all
we will climb to a new fate
leaving me to wonder why we ever did date

these days are scary
with the tweeting going on
war seems about to happen
so I hide in the lyrics of a song
when it will be over is anyone’s guess
but will tell you now Godspeed and God bless

have a great life
is all I have to say
have a great life
I mention to my dismay

you’re quoting Beatles’ songs
much to may dismay
how would you do such a thing
I say with a sway

but goodbye is all I have to say
you’re gone now for good
at least that is your claim to fame

have a great life
is all I have to say
have a great life
I mention to my dismay

Bill Clinton’s Legacy, A Reassessment

by Shelton Bumgarner

Then President Bill Clinton’s impeachment was the first major political event of my adult life. I felt so strongly about it all, that I wore perhaps wisely, a black armband to work to signify my opposition to it. But now, 20 years later, we find ourselves forced to reassess his legacy because of the numerous horrible accounts of sexual misconduct that people are finally beginning to take seriously.

All of this is complicated because the Right is quick to point out that Hillary Clinton “stood by her man” through it all an as such is “complicit.” Before it’s over with the MAGA people are all but demanding you vote for Trump again and you’re left shaking your head given what Trump is accused of doing, as well.

But let me be clear: if the only way I can get Trump out of office is to say Bill Clinton should have resigned 20 years ago, then so be it. He should have. Now what. Now will Trump leave office so we can go back to fighting over the usual stupid shit instead of having to worry about an unhinged president potentially being the death of us all?

It is an embarrassment to the American experience that we even having this argument over Bill Clinton versus Donald Trump in the first place. Both are self-evident in their loathsomeness on a human level and I will gladly concede Bill Clinton’s status as a monster if the other side will do the same for Donald Trump and agree with me that he needs to immediately leave office, never to be heard from again.

But they won’t. The MAGA people are so deluded by the political blackhole that is Donald Trump that they are completely unable to see the actual, legitimate more equivalency of what Bill Clinton did and what Donald Trump did. They’re all such raving sycophantic lunatics that all they can see is the bad of the their political opposition and the good of their God king. They simply can’t comprehend that by attacking Bill Clinton that they are admitting, in effect, that Donald Trump did was, like, bad and stuff.

It’s all really surreal. It’s all tragic and surreal and difficult to process. I don’t really know how things progress from this point. What Bill Clinton is accused of doing is really bad and, like I said, if the only way I can get rid of Donald Trump is to say Clinton should have resigned 20 years ago, then so be it. But at this point it doesn’t make any difference either way, really.

Bill Clinton isn’t president anymore and Donald Trump definitely isn’t going to resign.