Whatever This Means, It Sucks

by Shelt Garner

I’m sure the fact that all the MAGA “thought leaders” have changed their profile pictures to some variation of this:

Means something that sucks or is racist or misogynistic or both. But the 2024 political silly season is in full force so, lulz. Get ready, folks, it’s only going to get much, much, MUCH worse.

The Autumn of Our Discontent

by Shelt Garner

The key issue for me at the moment is, if Trump loses, will he demand a National Divorce and will people listen to him if he does. I think, on a state basis, Texas really would agree to leaving the Union.

That will cause the country to buckle.

Now, obvious, Trump could win and then, lulz, we have to deal with him going full tyrant. But, I dunno. If he loses, we’re so close to the country buckling already that it seems like if Trump starts to rant about the need for a National Divorce that it might really happen.

Then I have to figure out what the fuck I’m going to do. I still think my best is to head North, once some sort of infrastructure for domestic political refugees has been built out.

How Seriously Should We Take The Bloodthirsty MAGA Rhetoric?

by Shelt Garner

All the signs continue to point to Something Big happening in late 2024, early 2025. Either we have a civil war or Trump goes full tyrant, pushes Blue States out of the Union, gets deposed….and we have a civil war. Or something along those lines.

But I can’t predict the future. It could be that, lulz, there (thankfully) won’t be any violence and we’ll just drift into some New Era, one way or another. But the key thing for me is — if Trump loses, will he be able to convince Reds to leave the Union on a state basis.

Or will he even try?

Don’t know.

Contemplating Becoming a Domestic Political Refugee In Late 2024, Early 2025

by Shelt Garner

While I don’t seriously think I’ll become a domestic political refugee, there is a non-zero chance that it might happen starting at some point in late 2024, early 2025 if the country buckles. And it could happen no matter who wins.

If Trump wins, it might happen because he goes full tyrant.

If he loses, it might happen because he rants about the need for a National Divorce.

So, I don’t know. It really could happen either way. I’m going to try to hold out as long as I can. But I suppose if things get too tense, I can at least make it as far as Richmond before I have to fish or cut bait. I do think Virginia will be the first state to collapse if the country buckles.

That will suck.

Is Joe Biden Ok?

by Shelt Garner

It takes a special type of person to successfully run for president. You have to have drive, grit and an astonishingly enormous ego. And, yet, Joe Biden just dropped out very, very late in the overall process.

Biden hasn’t been seen in a few days after getting COVID.

It makes you wonder — is Joe Biden ok?

I have no inside information — I’m just a rando living in oblivion — but I am concerned that there is a chance that Biden’s physical state could be far worse than we’re being told.

It definitely would make a lot of sense. A lot of sense.

October Surprises: Of Sextapes & Deepfakes

by Shelt Garner

A long time ago, I saw a blind item about the possible existence of a Kamala Harris sextape that she did with Montel Williams while they were dating. It was a long time ago and it was a blind item, so, lulz, I’m sure it either doesn’t exist now or never existed in the first place.

But such ideas have got me thinking that a faux Harris sextape dropped late in October sure would be a nasty “October Surprise” to worry about. I only even bring any such thing up because of all the racist and misogynistic sewage that is being spewed her way already.

I hope I’m overthinking things and being paranoid — as usual.

We Have GOT To Fish Or Cut Bait When It Comes To Biden As A Candidate

by Shelt Garner

The above is apparently the ‘bright idea” that the Democrats have to figure out who the nominee will be should Biden drop out. It’s totally insane and bonkers. But it proves a point — Democrats needs to fish or cut bait with Biden.

I’m not a Democrat — I’m an anti-MAGA independent — so I feel a bit more detached than most people observing all this. But definitely FEELS like we’re in something of a political death spiral when it comes to Biden’s future. It definitely FEELS like Biden is going to drop out — probably within the next few days.

But, who knows. He could endup saying, “The Aristocrats!” at the end of all of this and we just have figure out what we’re going to do with him as the standard barer going forward.

Watch Me Be Paranoid: ‘Live Free or Die Hard’ & Late 2024, Early 2025

by Shelt Garner

As I keep saying, I’m prone to “magical thinking.” That is, thinking that really doesn’t have much connection to reality. It’s the type of weird thinking that caused people to think that they could cure COVID by….drinking bleach?

But given improvements in AI video technology, I have an unease about what might happen in the near, near future. The plot of Live Free or Die Hard revolves around some huge terrorist attack being faked via the use of deep fake technology (or something.)

I just worry…what if something like that happened as part of us careening towards civil war / revolution in late 2024, early 2025? I worry.

Is It Possible That People Are … Listening To Me?

by Shelt Garner

Generally, absolutely no one listens to me. I live in oblivion. But I have been ranting and ranting and ranting AND RANTING for years now that late 2024, early 2025 could be a Holy Shit moment in our nation’s history.

I only mention this because someone in Milwaukee*, where the RNC took place recently, looked at what of my hysterical posts from late 2020 where I had all these crazy ideas as to how Trump could stay in power. None of them, I will note, mentioned anything about him inciting an insurrection, natch.

But it does make me wonder — given how fucking much I’ve ranted about the possibility of a civil war / revolution….is it possible someone, somewhere is actually now, at last paying attention to me?

If they are, I don’t quite know what to make of such a thing. It would be totally out of the ordinary for my living-in-oblivion life. I have also caught the attention of someone who was apparently in the NYC area and now is in the DC area.

That would usually make me ecstatic — someone of note gives a shit about me! — but I’m also worried that he / she is an FBI or Secret Service agent worried I’m going to freak out and hurt someone. UGH. I hate that. I hate the idea that just because I’m a kook and have strong opinions about politics I have to worry that I’m on some sort of fucking watch list.

I’m totally, completely fucking harmless. Totally. I hate guns. I hate conflict. I am, I will admit, a kook. But that’s it. I really, really, REALY fucking hate guns.

Let’s see if anyone listens to me about that part.

*I doubled checked – it was Waunakee. Ooopse.

I’m Severely Worried

by Shelt Garner

No matter what happens this fall, there is a real risk of domestic political violence in the United States at a level not seen since the end of the Civil War. There is a non-zero chance that the most powerful nation the world has ever seen could buckle because of some pretty dumb shit.

What’s worse, the state I live in — Virginia — is two states, one Red, one Blue, fused together who hate each other. So if the absolute worst happens, there’s a good chance that I will become a domestic political refugee.

I wish I was joking, but I’m not. I could literally have to make good on all my quips about “heading North.” And I’m sure — sure — that somehow I’m going to endup in some sort of waystation in Maryland before I being shipped to a bigger refugee camp somewhere like upstate New York or maybe Maine.

But we have to start to buckle down and game out, on a personal basis, what the fuck we’re going to do should the absolute worst happen. I’m not smart enough to tell you what you should do, but I can tell you that you need to take all of this seriously.

We could be seriously f u c k e d no matter what happens. If Trump wins, he could go full tyrant and be deposed, which would cause a civil war when Red States leave the Union. If he loses, he could demand a National Divorce and…civil war.

But I am known for magical (over) thinking and so…maybe nothing will happen? Maybe Project 2025 will happen, about 1 million smug Twitter liberals will leave the country….and that’s it? About 20 million people will be put into camps, God-only-knows-what will happen to them and it will be just a Big Meh?

I just don’t know what is going to happen. No one does. But I would definitely accept that This Could Be It.