Tik-Tok Keeps Pushing Me ‘Spooky’ Content That Is Inexplicable Unless They’re Reading My Mind

by Shelt Garner

Now, the thing I want to make absolutely clear is I fucking hate conspiracy theories. I think of them as the last refuge of the intellectually dishonest. The only reason why I keep ranting about the possibility that Big Tech like Facebook, Google and Tik-Tok may have the technology to read our minds is I use Tik-Tok and am startled by weird “co-incidences.”

So, there’s a reason for my seemingly bonkers and out of character interest in this particular “conspiracy theory.” It just seems at last possible that something akin to a secret “soft singularity” is taking place. What I mean by this is a number of proto-Singularity technologies are coming to a head without them being promoted by Big Tech. Already, we’re racing towards hard AI via automated cars.

The issue that keeps coming to the forefront of my mind about Tik-Tok specifically is while 99% of the “spooky” things I get pushed can be explained away pretty easily, there is that 1% that simply has no other explanation than maybe, just maybe, they have some way of reading our minds.

But, thankfully, I can make these observations in peace and quiet. I’m a total nobody and I daydream about such things in my little corner of the Internet without anyone caring. Though, I did learn when I was writing a lot about Alexa Chung a few years ago that if you write about anything enough online someone, somewhere will notice. Ugh.

Thankfully, that era in my life is over.

Now I’m obsessed with the novel and writing a breakout hit novel.

I have to admit that I find it very dumb that if there is some sort of “digital telepathy” at work right now that Big Tech won’t tell us about it so they can turn around and sell us $1,2000 “mindcaps” that skip the step of MX (AR / VR) and go directly to having some sort of “mind media” whereby you would see movies in your mind or hear music in your mind using your body’s own “wetware.”

That all sounds very fantastical, but as Arthur C. Clarke would say, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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