The MAGA New Right Is Devoid of Shame

by Shelt Garner

One of the many metrics one can use to look past the rainbows and unicorn farts that people like “Mueller, She Wrote” hope will safe us from the rise of autocracy is the MAGA New Right’s lack of any form of shame. (I only keep harping on the MSW Twitter account because they blocked me and I find it annoying.)

In the Before Times, when “Mueller, She Wrote” seems to still reside, there was this thing called shame. Even if nothing was criminally proven against you, you would resign in disgrace. This is back before Bill Barr (probably) told his good buddy Bob Mueller to wrap things up “for the sake of the country.”

Exhibit A.

But all that bullshit did happen and so we now have a situation where Trump has proven that if you just whip out your cock and wiggle it enough, the public grows bored and moves on to the next crisis. It’s been proven that any politician, having been accused of anything and I mean ANYTHING, can to go about their business, your liberal democracy is in deep fucking trouble.

And either you see that or you don’t. Either you are willing to admit that we’re in a severe, lingering political crisis or you think the we’re going to suddenly and magically produce the political will necessary to convict any number of MAGA New Right leaders.

Just using the metrics of what I can see with my own two eyes: we’re fucked.

What this means for you, gentle reader, on an individual basis, I have no idea. I hate violence, so all I got is…get a passport? Move somewhere in the country that fits your politics better? If I was writing for VOX where all its Tik-Toks are spoken in a received English with a severe vocal fry, maybe I could tell you want to do in some sort of explainer.

But I’m not. No on listens to me. God speed.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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