The Fate of Google’s Usenet Archive & Generative AI

by Shelt Garner

As far as I know, Google still has a decades worth of Usenet archives. Even though the most useful elements of Usenet are very old, I do think you could maybe use all those witty words from the Golden Age of Usenet from the last 1970s to mid 1990s to at least give Gemini a sense of humor.

Or not.

What do I know. I just find it something that either Google has already done or they might do in the future.

Evidence That MAGA May Evolve Into A Neo-Luddite Movement

by Shelt Garner

It definitely seems as though we’re just one severe recession away from a massive disruption in not just the knowledge economy because of AI, but the broader economy as well. Throw in advancements in robotics and, lulz.

As such, it also seems possible that we may see MAGA evolve into something akin to an anti-technology neo-Luddite movement that demands strict regulation of AI and maybe human carveouts as well.

But our political system is so broken that, lulz, who knows what will happen. It could be that we won’t even be able to cobble together the political will to establish a UBI, even when only legacy plutocrats have enough money to eat.

What Is It With The AI Art Community Wanting To Pump Out Nazi Propaganda?

by Shelt Garner

Ok, I understand the complaints of people like Marc Andreessen that AI image generation can come across as a little too “woke” for its own good. As is seen here:

But the strange thing about it all is inevitably they ask AI to generate Nazi imagery and they get all butt hurt when it won’t do it to for them. I find this very, very strange.

You’re not putting Nazis in a memory hole by simply refusing to generate what would inevitably become Nazi propaganda. Just because you want the absolute right for AI to generate “unwoke” photorealistic historical pictures, doesn’t mean that the Patriot Front or whomever won’t jump at the chance to pump out millions upon millions of Nazi propaganda photos.

And where do you stop?

Do you want the right to prompt an AI to show you “a proud SS officer leading a child to the gas chambers?” It sure does sound like that’s what you want when you complain that you can’t get Nazis generated by AI.

And when you call someone on this desire, they either get really mad or just punt the issue and say, “it brings up a lot of tough questions.” No, fuck you, you fucking fascist Nazi. Ugh.

I fucking hate Nazis.