The DPRK Threat Is Still There

by Shelt Garner

We’re overdue for the DPRK do some saber rattling in a big way. I think some of what’s going on is the DPRK probably has a nasty case of COV19 that they’re dealing with and they are to preoccupied with that to shoot off a ICBM or test an H-bomb.

But they’re still a serious, serious problem.

I have ever reason to believe that President Biden will handle the situation in the calm, cool normal manner that, like, a normal president would. And, yet, that doesn’t mean that the DPRK isn’t going to scare the shit out of all of us in the process.

The typical American has an abstract fear of the DPRK. What they don’t have is a full understanding that the DPRK has both the means, motive and opportunity to vaporize a major American city under the right conditions.

At the same time, I can honestly say that I no longer wake up in the middle of the night with the abject fear that Trump is going to end humanity with a stray tweet.

So, as such, we’re far better off than we were. But we need to be prepared for some pretty crazy whack funky things to happen when it comes to the DPRK in the near, near future.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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