by Shelt Garner
I finally did what I’ve been talking about and cut this thriller into two novels. But the way I’m doing it, they will be two separate stories as well as books — no cliffhanger needed.

My first novel is now much more a publishing thriller than murder thriller.
You will finish the first book thinking that the murder investigated in the second book has been solved.
This decision both speeds things up and makes the novel more pitchable because I’m going to be in the ~100,000 word sweetspot now. But one problem is I don’t know what to “comp” my novel to because the murder doesn’t happen until the third act.
The rest of the novel is about something different.
But the point is — the new version of the story is much more character driven and focused than the previous version. I have a lot more build-in wiggle room to talk about things than I did before.
AND, I HOPE, if I do a really good job that I might be given a lot more words to play with in the second novel. The second novel may also be about 100,000, but I’m not as sure about that because I’m REALLY going to have to totally re-imagine things.
But we’ll see. This is the second or third time I’ve done something massive like this to the project. But I do think that this decision will significantly speed things up so I can query a lot sooner than I might otherwise.
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