Countdown To Emrata Dating Cara Delevingne

by Shelt Garner

I don’t know about you, but I sure did like it better when Emily Ratajkowski was married to her cheating shithead husband. It seems as though the woman has decide to have a PR relationship with every single dude in showbiz and it’s beginning to make me roll my eyes.


But given her status as a “pick me girl,” it is pretty much inevitable at this point that Emrata is going to date a woman in a really public manner. The woman she probably is going to it with is the go-to showbiz lesbian lothario Cara Delevingne. It almost seems an immutable force of future history that this is going to happen.

Of course, I suppose someone like Fletcher or Miley Cyrus might get in on the Emrata “walk on the wild side” action at some point. Emrata needs to chill out. I get that she just wants to bounce around with different dudes (and eventually women) but she’s so famous that it probably would be in her best interests just to find someone, anyone and stick with them for a little while.

Emrata’s future girlfriend?

I have to give Emrata credit, despite having one of the most languid personalities ever, she does manage to be consistently interesting and self-aware.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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