‘NYC’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Pop Song

This is a homage to Lily Allen’s LDN. At least, that’s the song I’m listening to for the most part as I write these lyrics. But the point is to be a lot more angry. So imagine a Lily Allen song by way of a Public Enemy or Rage Against The Machine song. Sorta.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

got to the city on the Chinatown bus
things are a lovely as they can be in the early morning
take a picture with your smartphone
post it on Instagram for the friends back home
but soon enough you see Trump Tower
and all you can say is

fuck Donald Trump
fuck that dude
he isn’t my president
fuck Donald Trump
that racist piece of shit

so walking around NYC
as the day progresses
you walk into the park
what a lovely day it is
things are so lovely
the people walk by then you look and see
Trump’s name yet again

fuck Donald Trump
fuck that dude
he isn’t my president
fuck Donald Trump
that racist piece of shit

maybe it was all a dream
maybe things are are better now
maybe Clinton won
maybe we’re just free to live our lives
but it’s not to be
Trump is president

fuck Trump
that racist piece of shit
he’s not welcome in NYC
he’s not welcome anywhere
why do we have to put up with his lunacy
can you answer me
can you answer me

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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