‘Test Your Luck’ — #Lyrics To A Dance-Pop Song

Just screwing around. I don’t have any beats and can’t afford any. But I think these lyrics are pretty good. I’m pleased.

Test Your Luck
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

you’re on a razor’s edge
rattling around in my head
visions of you in my bed
make me restless as can be
I’m battling my fate

test your luck
what do you have to lose

test your luck
might have me kissing your neck
if you get over your fears
test your luck
test your luck
test your luck

you don’t know what to do
can’t figure me out I can tell
you make my heart swell
all I can say is test your luck

we’re a car wreck waiting to happen
the passions unleashed will be great
tapping my feet waiting for us between the sheets
you think you can flirt
if you don’t try you’ll be kickin dirt
I think you should test your luck

test your luck
what do you have to lose

test your luck
might have me kissing your neck
if you get over your fears
test your luck
test your luck
test your luck

what’s the worst that can happen
I shoot you down
cause you to frown
but that’s not gunna happen
just test your luck and see
what the answer will be

I’m waiting for you to act
and that’s a fact
I’m not frontin
wanting you by my side
holding hands walking into the night
why don’t you

test your luck
test your luck
test your luck

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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