Idle Rambling On How To Disrupt Online Publishing

by Shelton Bumgarner

It sees pretty obvious that there is a niche that’s not being served right now by social media. It’s a narrow one, but one that might be profitable given the right conditions. I’m thinking of something like Twitter but allowing for long-form discussion. I have gone into great detail about a social media service that would do just that, so I won’t get into the details.

But for me the issue is, I sometimes want to write what is really just a really long tweet but I don’t really have any options beyond either a tweetstorm or a blog post. Tweets tend to be a little too impersonal for the type of things I want to write about, but anyway.

It seems you could do something really cool with a service which allowed for, as I’ve suggested, long-form posts that were threaded. I could go on and on about this, but no one listens to me and so I’m just wasting my time at this point.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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