My Personal Bill Barr Theory

by Shelt Garner

A shit ton of MAGA cocksuckers are foaming at the mouth about how Bill Barr went dark the last few months and probably pretty much saved American democracy. Given what Barr did with the Mueller Report, what happened?

A surreal situation.

My theory is 20 years from now, we’ll learn a lot more about how close Barr and Mueller were. Mueller was imbued by liberals with qualities he obviously didn’t have — he was actually rather timid about the most important aspects of his charge.

So, my theory is — the moment Barr was in charge, he had a chat with his old friend Mueller –wrap things up NOW for the sake of the country. Then Barr strangled the report in its crib, as it were. And the moment Trump felt in the clear, he turned around and got himself impeached.

But that was the extent of Barr’s desire to facilitate Trump’s more sinister instincts. There were abuses here and there on Barrs part, but the election wasn’t it close enough for it to be an issue, so Barr was able to protect what’s left of our democracy simply through inaction.

And, really, the wild part about all of this is every day Barr sits on his hands, the better positioned Biden is. So, if we can just get Barr at least into the end of December, that gives Trump only 20 days to go nuts and wreak havoc.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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