‘This City Doesn’t Deserve Me’ — #Lyrics To A Pop-Rock Song

The title of this song comes from something Tina Fey recounted one of her daughters saying: “this city doesn’t deserve me.” I know nothing about music, but I do enjoy telling stories using the economy of verse. And, honestly, once I finish the novel I’m working on, I may very well buy a guitar and see if I can sell one pop song before I croak.

I see this song as have a tune similar to this song:

This City Doesn’t Deserve Me
lyrics by Shelt Garner
Please credit if you produce or perform

skyscrapers surround me
keep me teathered
bound me
as I walk around Chinatown
not my fate to know yours
but I’m ready, ready
to test the ground
to become outward bound

this city doesn’t deserve me
I state as I flee the hate
this city doesn’t deserve me
I state as I flee the hate
why does it have to be this way
at this late date

love the energy of this ground
but it’s tough to get around
when it doubt run for the hills
maybe find some thrills

this city doesn’t deserve me
I state as I flee the hate
this city doesn’t deserve me
I state as I flee the hate
why does it have to be this way
at this late date

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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