I May Actively Begin Work On The Second Novel In This Six Book Project

by Shelt Garner

I have long wanted a “second creative tract” that I could turn to while I work on this first novel. I keep seeing the collection of paperwork associated with the other five novels in this proposed six novel series and now that I’m well on my way to wrapping up the first novel, I think I’m going to take a serious look at the second novel.

Now, obviously there is a huge risk — if I invest all my energy in this six novel project and I can’t even sell the first book, then, well, I’m kind of fucked. But I am reminded that Stieg Larsson sold three novels (right before he dropped dead, natch) so I definitely am interested in seeing if I can replicate his success without the dropping dead part.

I continue to be interested in a number of other possible creative second tracts, from screenwriting to fashion photography. But I also like the idea of being able to work within an existing universe without having to think up new characters, canon, etc.

And, as my father likes to say — no one ever got anywhere in this world without taking a risk. I feel I have a really, really strong concept with the first novel in the project, to the point that I’m comfortable working on the next book in the series before I finish and sell the first book.

Besides, I have six proposed books, if something happens and I find my self stymied with the second book, I can always bounce to a different book in the other parts of the series and flesh them out, instead. But I really do like the idea that I have a lot of creative wiggle room to go to a different point in the overarching story as my mood directs me.

At least, that’s the plan.

I still have a lot of work to do on this first novel, including doing a lot of additional reading to take things to the next level. But the general infrastructure exists.

I’m finally feeling pretty good that after all my hard work the last few years that I’m at least getting to the end of the beginning and can now start to enter the process of working on the other five imagined novels.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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