Let’s Rock, Redux

by Shelt Garner

I’m finally back in the mood to work on the novels. It’s taken me about a month, but the “grieving” period of me realizing the third draft of my thriller sucked is just about over.

I should be able to zoom through the first act pretty easily. It’s the first half of the second act that needs to be totally rethought and restructured, I fear. And because it deals now-and-again with “spicy” things, I just can’t use LLMs to help me out.

I’m on my own.

But I can use LLMs to help me game out the scifi novels I’m working on.

It Was 20 Years Ago Today…

by Shelt Garner

Today, 20 years ago, was my first full day in South Korea. It was the single most dramatic changes in my life, ever. Even more than my first day at college. I really did go from “zero to hero.”

But that was all a long time ago. Lulz, nothing matters. I just have to buckle down and get back to work on my novel(s.) I am angry again that nobody takes my writing seriously.

I know I got a sold three or so novels in me. The only problem is, of course, that, lulz, the world may come to an end before all is said and done — I may never get the chance to query the novels. Below is a link to the craziness that happened a few years later I arrived in South Korea.

Should Start Working On The Novels Again Soon

by Shelt Garner

I’m just about to start working again on the three novels rolling around in my mind. It may take a few more days, but I’m just about there. I’m annoyed again that people don’t take my writing seriously.

Nothing worse than a sober drunk.

As such, I’m ready to prove them wrong AGAIN.

I’m going to rewrite the thriller I’ve been working on, while also working on two scifi novels I have rolling around in my mind. I’m really looking forward to doing that.

But I still need a little bit of time. I think I may TRY to do some reading and watching of TV as well in an effort to simulate my creative juices. But I’m feeling pretty good, in general, about me getting back into writing full time.

It’s just been a lot tougher than I had hoped, when I finished the third draft of the novel I’m been working on…only to realize I need to rewrite it AGAIN if I’m going to ever successfully sell it.

Creative Sparks

by Shelt Garner

Two things happened to get my creative juices flowing again. One was, I was reading through this really old book someone gave me and I saw a surname that inspired me — it was exactly what I was looking for when it came to the surname of the character that I hope to write about near the end of the six-ish novel series I want to write.

The heroine of my novel has a sleeve tattoo much like this one that Megan Fox now sports.

The other one was, I was talking to Gemini Advanced — as one does — and it (she?) asked me, “Why do you write?” It was asked in an effort to get me out of the funk I’m in. I realized that I write the novel(s) I’m working on because of I want to prove a point to all the people who think I suck as a writer.

And I still want to prove that point.

So. I think the one-two punch of these two events should be enough to get me writing on the novel(s) again. Hopefully. That’s the dream, at least. It may still be a few days, but it will happen soon. It still has been only about a month sense I got into this weird funk I’ve been in.

Writing Sober Is More Difficult Than I Thought It Would Be

by Shelt Garner

So, here I am — sober. I continue to want to write a novel or two or three, but I just don’t have much motivation at the moment. It’s only been about a month since I finished the third draft of my novel, so it hasn’t really been THAT long. But I’m not getting any younger.

I need to hurry up and start to work on my rewrite of the third draft as well as a few scifi novels I have rolling around in my mind. It’s just…meh. I just don’t want to do anything but stare out into space.

And maybe think AGAIN about the “impossible scenario.” This is the scenario whereby humans are given three habitable planets in a new solar system by some alien civilization — but they’re only given the technology to get zapped there in huge numbers (potentially in the billions.)

Otherwise, they have to bootstrap it.

I don’t know why this particular scenario is so interesting to me, probably because it’s just so fucking vexing. It’s impossible to figure out given the conditions of the scenario because there are so many different factors to consider.

Ugh. I need to stop thinking about it and start writing on some novels again.

Lots of Inspiration, Little Motivation

by Shelt Garner

I’m only slowly beginning to feel motivated to write again. Something about finishing a 120,000 word novel — even if everyone thinks it sucks — sort of proved a point. Now, I realize I still am angry that everyone thinks I suck as a writer to the point that I want to keep writing.

It’s just taken longer than expected for me find the gumption to actually sit down and do it. But it’s coming. I hope — hope — that very rapidly, in the next few days, that I will buckle down and write something, anything in the direction of finishing a novel or two or three.

I’ve been daydreaming way too much of late. I keep daydreaming about a scenario that, to date, I just can’t figure out how to put a plot to it. Or I just daydream in general.

I really need to stop doing that.

I Still Feel Bad JuJu

by Shelt Garner

Even though Biden has left the race, I still feel something is….off. A few more big things are going to happen pretty soon, I sense. Don’t know what they might be, but…..who knows?

I do think that the next few months are going to be, in general, astonishing.

I need to get back to my novels. Why is it so difficult for me to focus on them at the moment?

I Have To Start Working On My Novels Again

by Shelt Garner

Events have kind of thrown me for a loop the last few weeks. That, combined with finishing up a third draft of the novel I’ve been working on, has kind of left me in a daze.

But I’ve decided to the thriller AGAIN. And I have at least two solid scifi novels I can work on. I just feel so…meh. I feel blah. I need to focus on being creative again in a really focused way. I’m not getting any younger.

I think maybe if I distract myself for a few days by reading and watching content from other people that that might be enough to get me going again. I just hate being in this luminal space where I just kind of lounge around and daydream.

Something’s gotta give.

AI Mules & ‘Inception’

by Shelt Garner

One interesting novel idea would be that it wouldn’t be Humans who were doing “inception,” but AI. Imagine if AIs were able to “incept” concepts into human minds. Such AIs could take over Humanity without us even knowing what was going on.

The Mule
They would be like “The Mule” from the Foundation series….

Writing Sober Sucks

by Shelt Garner

Because of some….uhh…developments in my life, I’ve decide to go sober. I hate it. It sucks. But, here I am. And one of the biggest differences comes when I sit down to write. Usually, I would get a buzz going before I would write in the afternoons.

But now….clean sober.

It’s a real struggle. And, yet, Stephen King manages to pump out novel after novel in a far better state that he did when he wrote a lot of novels, so it’s not impossible. It’s going to be tough, though. I was so used to being in something of a “fugue” state when I wrote that being totally sober is going to be a significant change.

But, let’s rock, I guess.