In The End, Emrata May Be The Only Woman Who Can Be POTUS

by Shelt Garner

One of the conundrums of a modern woman trying to run for public office is they have to be totally, completely sexless. They’re not permitted, in any way, to show any skin in a traditional feminine way.

So, as such, it’s possible that every major female politician will rise up through the ranks, only to be destroyed because bikini pics — or whatever — pops out. Which makes you wonder, maybe the only way a woman can ever become POTUS is if her no0ds are already baked into the cake.

Maybe, then, 30 years from now, only someone like Emily Ratajkowski can successfully run for POTUS because, lulz, we’ve already seen her n0ods so it’s all a lulz.

Or not. Who knows. But I do know that it’s very annoying that otherwise qualified women will be prohibited from going up the chain of political command just because their n0ods leaked.

I will note, again, that AOC is a smoking hot babe and it’s kind of surreal that to date we have not see ANY bikini pictures of her. Anyway. I hope they don’t ever leak so she has a decent shot of being POTUS one day.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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