Could The Inevitable National Regulation of Online Porn By MAGA Return Playboy To Cultural Relevance?

by Shelt Garner

A major part of the national MAGA agenda going forward is the regulation of online porn. This is happening all over the place at the state level and it is inevitable that the moment MAGA can do it nationwide, they will.

I’ve written about this before, but I think we need to address the implications of such a move again.

It seems at least POSSIBLE that one side effect of regulating online porn on a national level is, of course, VPNs will become very, very popular. But there is also a tiny chance that print (soft) porn like Playboy might, maybe, kinda come back in a way simply because is a lot more difficult to regulate it as severely as online porn.

Or not. What do I know. It could be that VPNs will be how all the horny people look at their online porn, with no need to bringing back a print magazine like Playboy.

Just an idle daydream.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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