I Need To Focus

by Shelt Garner

Various things have shifted around in my personal life and now I realize really to not only focus more but maybe try to give my listless, dissipated life some much-needed structure.

As such, I’m going to at least TRY to lay off the booze so at least I’m not in some sort of tipsy daze most of the time. Also, I’m going to really think seriously about the three scifi novels I want to write.

Lastly, I’m also going to think seriously about doing some freelance work. It’s not going to be easy for various reasons. My immediate goal is to see if I can get an op-ed published in The New York Times.

I know how bonkers that sounds, but, lulz, why not. The point of trying to do such a thing is more about the structure in my life necessary to get the point where I think I have a chance at getting published than actually believing I will get published.

Anyway. Being sober-ish and more structured is my immediate goal.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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