Talk To Me Internet: Talking about 9/11 And It The Movie #Podcast

by Shelton Bumgarner

This is the first official episode of Talk To Me Internet where I have a co-host. We talk about #Trump, 9/11, Irma and It the movie. Enjoy.

Talk To Me Internet: Great Conversation About #Korea

by Shelton Bumgarner

Here’s a great conversation about South Korea and it’s culture you will enjoy.

‘You Own This’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Pop-Rock Song

These lyrics are a rebuttal to all the people who continue to support Donald Trump. In my imagination, the music that went with this would be something you might hear in a Tove Lo song.

You Own This
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

as the earth slowly burns
and its turns aren’t a fast
people on the street can’t eat
they no longer stop to greet
the past and the present do meet
when the Nazis want to compete
all I can say is

you own this
when the end comes
you own this
when the end comes
you own this

I know where you stand
you think your man’s got a plan
we’re going to build a wall
but when it doesn’t come
will you have the gaul to admit
that your views are full of shit

you own this
when the end comes
you own this
when the end comes
you own this

wish there was some other way
something that would stop the flames
but we’re screwed it seems
while the masses scream

what are we going to do
will the moon refuse to shine
will the sun refuse to rise
whatever may happen I’m afraid
you own this
you own this
you own this

Talk To Me Internet: Worried About #Ukraine, #Russia, #DPRK & #WWIII

By Shelton Bumgarner

With this one I talk about #Ukraine, #Russia, #NorthKorea, #DPRK and the possibility of #WWIII. I also talk about #writing my #novel, and my up coming trip to #NYC’s #WHotel. I also talk about #SingSingAveA and some of my time in #Seoul. Though, if you want those stories, you’re going to have to buy me dinner and get me drunk.

Talk To Me Internet: Some ‘Deep Thoughts’

by Shelton Bumgarner

Here is about an hour of me talking about any number of different interesting things. Enjoy

Mulling “It,” “It The Move” & “Stranger Things” #ItTheMovie

by Shelton Bumgarner

I find it interesting how similar and different It the book, It the movie and Stranger Things are. At the center of these differences are the characters Beverly Marsh played by Sophia Lillis and Eleven played by Bobby Millie Brown.

First, however, let’s talk about the differences between It the book and It the movie. While I really like It the movie, I have to admit that I was rather underwhelmed. The book is a rich, interesting tale about the power of childhood fears. The movie version, however, is strangely not as baroque as the book. I know that you can’t do as much with a movie as you can with a book, but I guess I was hoping that the book would a little bit more epic than it was.

But let’s address something I suspect we’re going to hear a lot about in the coming days — the similarities and differences between the characters of Beverly Marsh and Eleven. I have given it a lot of thought and I really like Beverly Marsh more than Eleven. Beverly seems more proactive to Eleven’s reactive. And Beverly is human and is literally isn’t afraid of the devil. Meanwhile, Eleven escapes any dangers by using magic.

Anyway, I go into more depth about this in the above video.

Shelton Bumgarner is a writer and photographer living in Richmond, Va.

#Cigar Talk To Me Internet

by Shelton Bumgarner

Talked about a wide-range of things while smoking a cigar.

Talk To Me Internet: A Great Conversation

by Shelton Bumgarner

This is a great conversation with AlyceIsCurious about everything and nothing. You should check it out. You get to see the two of us in action talking. It’s pretty funny at times. I keep telling her we should do a regular “show” but for some reason she’s reluctant.

Here’s a bonus Talk to Me Internet as well.

‘Bookends’ — #Lyrics To An Epic Pop-Rock Song About 9/11 & Hurricane Irma

This song would have three parts, like any good story. The music for this, in my imagination, would be like Paranoid Android by Radiohead. Something rocking and pop and sweeping.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

Tuesday morning on a summer day
the sun was clear as can be
up in the sky we saw a jet liner
then a second one darkened the sky
we all ran
we all ran
we all ran
we thought we were going to die
it was a moment in time
when everything stopped
and we all wondered why

the towers fell
but I’m not going to dwell
the decade flew by
we all thought we were going to die
we all thought we were going to die
we all thought we were going to die
the fire continued to burn
when will we ever learn
when will we ever learn
when will we ever learn
history continued apace
we all did things we regret
things we will never forget

the earth grew warmer
but we ignored nature’s warnings
Hurricane Irma made her way
to the shore with a roar
it grew in power
with every hour
it hit the coast
making many a ghost
it was a warm summer day
and we remembered that Tuesday
before with dismay
history roared past us
we had to deal with the gore


‘Crush’ — #Lyrics To A Pop-Rock Song

There are lots of songs about crushes, and this one would be a pop-rock song in the tradition of James’ “Laid.” That’s the type of music I would use with it, at least.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

she’s too young to drink
but you drink her in every time you meet
her age gives you pause
but she’s old enough to smoke
so why not, bloke

she’s just a crush
that’s all she is
but she’s special to you
crush, crush, crush, crush

she comes to your work
you talk for what seems like hours
seeing her near you
you dream of her twerking
with other dirty thoughts crowding in

nothing will make her yours
you think to yourself like a bore
loving her would be great
but you can’t bring yourself to
ask your crush for a date

she’s just a crush
that’s all she is
but she’s special to you
crush, crush, crush, crush

your interest in her
will crush you in the end
but it’s worth it
just to see her smile
once in a while

in the end she’s going to pass on by
but you had her attention for a moment
soon she’ll be just a memory
like all the rest