Sometimes, I Miss The Old Gawker: The Agony and the Ecstasy That Is Julia Fox

by Shelt Garner

I really like Julia Fox. She’s got to be one of the weirdest, most interesting public women in the world right now. She claims she’s deadened to sex because of her time as a dominatrix when she was younger, but…lulz? Anyway, the thing about Ms. Fox is she’s a prime example of how there is a huge void in the media world at the moment.

Julia Fox

There is a space that isn’t being serviced — the old Gawker space.

Barring aliens landing on the front lawn of the White House and demanding a new Gawker being founded…I fear that era of media is over. Just like rock is sadly dead, the era of snarky celebrity coverage is dead, too. That era petered out just about the moment that Twitter cooped snark to the point that it’s everywhere and nowhere all at once.

So we have someone like Julia Fox and no one site to read about her exploits. All we have is a bunch of rabid Twitter accounts that follow her every twitch — and there are a lot of them. I mean, now she’s talking about how she only dated Ye because she wanted to get him out of Kim’s life? What the what?

And she does this all the while running around the major cities of the world in barely there “fashion forward” apparel. You can’t make this shit up.

Anyway. More power to you, Julia. You’re a very interesting woman and maybe when I blow up with my DJ money one day soon I might — might? — get to meet you. Wink.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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