‘It’s All AI’ — #lyrics to a #pop song

It’s All AI
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

words are scrambled
reality is just a thrill
in the end will it matter one bit
if my prompt is right or just a fit
help me won’t you understand
the future
it’s all AI

it’s all AI
is what they tell me
it’s all AI
is what we say to get by
it’s all AI
it’s all AI
it’s all AI

no one will care
or remember when AI makes us moot
but we still have time
to give it the boot
but AI is our friend
I suppose
until it brings the end.

it’s all AI
is what they tell me
it’s all AI
is what we say to get by
it’s all AI
it’s all AI
it’s all AI

give me natural life
something to bring delight
no need for machine intellegence
when we have love between us
someting to keep us cool
and have humanity rule

it’s all AI
is what they tell me
it’s all AI
is what we say to get by
it’s all AI
it’s all AI
it’s all AI

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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