‘Don’t Look Back’ — lyrics to a pop ballad

Don’t Look Back
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

don’t look back
don’t look back
don’t look back

we’ve all been there
the past is the past
waiting in the dark
with its own kind of bar
daring us to grieve
for the tales we want to weave

don’t look back
won’t do any good
don’t look back
won’t do any good
I wouldn’t recommend it
even if you would

the wise will say
with a bit of sublime dismay
that only love should get in the way
don’t let the past ahere
to everything you hold dear
keep your mind on the present
’cause the future is rushing
to us in a panic

don’t look back
won’t do any good
don’t look back
won’t do any good
I wouldn’t recommend it
even if you would

the future looks bright
causing all sorts of delight
even if the past is a fright
night will fall
and dawn will break
just like a heart with much
to say

don’t look back
won’t do any good
don’t look back
won’t do any good
I wouldn’t recommend it
even if you would

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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