The Rise of Mainstream Antisemitism is Alarming

by Shelt Garner

When I was growing up, I wanted to be black or Jewish. But, alas, I’m just a regular old white boy. Anyway, I continue to read up on the rise of the Nazis in Germany and, as they say, form follows function.

Where there’s fascism, antisemitism is soon show up. And I think it’s pretty clear that the United States is suffering from a bad case of fascism at the moment. At the center of this fascist problem is dingus Trump — who has to family members who are Jewish.

And, I think, we need to keep an eye what happens to Javanka. If those two are pulled into the rise of antisemitism within MAGA then we’re all in for a lot of trouble because it means not even the relatives of the Dear Leader are not safe.

But it will be interesting to see what happens one way or another. And, remember, Qanon is nothing more than updated old school antisemitism because the venn diagram of people who think “liberals” are destroying America and those who think “Jews are destroying America” is a single circle.

It makes you wonder why now. Why now, of all times, has casual antisemitism begun to drift into the mainstream. I can only assume that something about the rise of fascism in the guise of MAGA is awakening a monster we thought was long dead.

Or you could say that the astrology for dudes The Fourth Turning predicted this and lulz. Anyway. Watch this space. Hopefully when we finally turning to a MAGA fascist state we won’t have to worry about American Killing Fields in update New York.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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