The Sides Are Set

by Shelt Garner

No amount of “owning the libs” or rhetorically “destroying” this or that MAGA person means jack shit. This is it, the two sides are set — and they’re hardening their positions.

There are just 100,000 people in four or five swing states who will ultimately decide if we have a civil war with Red States leaving the Union or a civil war with Blue States leaving the Union. Or, even more likely, we won’t have a civil war at all, but rather, we’ll just slip peacefully into autocracy.

America is in a serious, lingering rolling political crisis with no obvious endgame in sight. In short, the one thing we all want — to remain in a traditional Western democracy — is the one thing that is the absolute least likely to happen.

The United States is careening towards a very dark future, one way or another. I just can’t figure out which one. A lot is going to depend on Trump. If he is the Republican nominee, the likelihood of a civil war grows exponentially. If he is not the Republican nominee, then either he splits the vote and maybe — just maybe — Biden wins a second term and we punt our problems down the road again.

Or, Trump folds and supports DeSantis and we become an illiberal democracy like Hungary.

Anyway, I hope to wrap up my novel in time to flee the country with all the smug liberals. Wish me luck.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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