A First Milestone For The Third Draft

by Shelt Garner

I let a young woman read the first scene of the third draft of the novel and, much to my delight, she wanted to read the next scene. Given that women read a lot of novels, that is a very, very good sign. And she didn’t blanch at the sex worker angle of the story that has been added to the third draft.

JLo doing her thing in Hustlers.
So. That made my day.

I continue to have some emotional turbulence in my personal life at the moment because of Thanksgiving, but I have managed to squeeze out some copy nonetheless. I’m still hoping to lock down the first three chapters by the end of the month.

I have to write faster.

But, as I keep saying — there are plenty of known unknowns. There are plenty — PLENTY — of things that could go wrong. I can think of at least two events that would cause my entire life to be thrown up in the air. I can’t think like that, though.

I have to press forward and hope for the best.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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