by Shelt Garner
While I know I have a lot of “potential” as the late Annie Shapiro once told me, in general, I’ve been living in oblivion for a very, very long time. I kind of flew too close to the sun in the 2006 – 2008 timeframe.

As such, I was kind of a mental prison of my own making for a long, long time. And embarrassing amount of time. But things have changed and I’m finally really focused on something that will — hopefully — let me live up to my potential: my first novel.
Occasionally with this blog’s Webstats, I see pings from places that make me scratch my head a little bit. Why would someone from — there — be looking at this blog of all things? I can never figure out if these mysterious people from exotic locales are interested my political ranting or my very public navel gazing about writing a novel.
It’s a mystery!

I fucking hate this test.
But just the idea that someone of note would give a shit about me — whatever the reason — is quite flattering. All are welcome, I suppose, as long as you’re not a fucking stalker. (Ugh.)
Anyway, it will be interesting to see if I wrap up this third draft of the novel when I hope to — which is no later than around April 1st. So very much could go wrong. Not only do I have lingering problems with my teeth, but the fact that Stieg Larsson died at 50 looms large in my mind.

Stieg Larsson
Being 50 at the moment makes me think about if I don’t wrap this novel up as quickly as possible that it will all be a lulz. I’m not writing A Confederacy of Dunces, after all — this is a modern pop novel that needs to hit shelves at some point in the near future, not 11 years after my death.
Hopefully, I won’t become so incapacitated from my teeth problems that I can’t continue to write as quickly as I have been the last few weeks.