‘Flughazi’ & The Rise of American Fascism

by Shelt Garner

MAGA Republicans have already telegraphed their intentions for Dr. Fauchi. The moment they are swept into power in 2023, all their going to do is drag him in front of every possible committee to yell at him. In fact, the only thing that will stop them from just forcing him to testify at every possible turn will be their efforts to impeach both Biden and Harris.

It’s shit like this that gives one pause for thought.

Republicans are so craven, so fascist in their inclinations that I have begun to question if they will ever let go of power, any power that they get once they have it going forward. We have to take their fasciation with Russia seriously — they really do want to turn the United States into an autocratic white Christian ethno state like Russia.

Democrats are just too limp wristed, to beholden to staying within conventional wisdom and trying to find some sort of bi-partisanship. If I had my way, Democrats would get woke and take the vicious nature of Republicans at face value. I’m aware that there’s a huge downside to this — once BOTH sides fight dirty, then politics collapses and you, well, uhhh, fight things out through a force of arms.

Let me put it another way — it seems obvious to me that we’re lurching towards an existential choice of autocracy or civil war. I would much rather go down fighting — if Republicans are determined to destroy everything in an effort to establish white minority rule, then we should at least be prepared to make it as difficult as possible for them to do it.

But in the near term, Republicans are going to wallow in their new narrative that the Deep State and Dr. Fauchi released COVID19 from the Wuhan Lab specifically to bring down Trump. I get the sense that some pretty mainstream Republican media outlets essentially imply this already. It will be all we hear about once MAGA Republicans control Congress again.

The fact that Trump’s incompetency directly lead to 500,000 additional, unnecessary COVID19 deaths will be a lulz to them.

Will ‘FLUGHAZI’ Be The End Of Trumplandia? — Wargaming A #DiseaseX #Pandemic #WuFlu #CoronaVirus

Don’t panic!

by Shelt Garner

I’m pretty good at strategic thinking. That’s my thing. So, let’s wargame the consequences of a major pandemic in the next, say, 28 days. The first thing we have to understand is such a pandemic would be the biggest historical event not since 9/11, but since August, 1945 — the end of World War II. As such, initially, the entire global order would likely lock up and collapse in the beginning stages of the process for lack of institutional memory as to handle such a situation, if nothing else.

My real concern at the moment is the “beginning” of the pandemic won’t be marked by what’s currently happening in Wuhan, but whenever there are reports of multiple “warm zones” across the United States all at once. Initially, CNN’s gut reaction will be to market it as a 9/11 Redux, when, in fact, it’s more like WWII redux — a world war against WuFlu (WWW) if you will. (You might call it WWX, but, then, people would confuse it with World War 10.)

Once we actually descended into the process of pandemic, the first event would be mass chaos the likes of which we’ve never seen in modern American history. Yes, 9/11 caused a lot of chaos, but that was one fucking day! Imagine two weeks of such chaos as we all figured out the “new normal” of the essentials of life being – for the time being — of dubious supply. Add to this that Trump is nothing more than a deranged version of Being There’s Chauncey Gardner and, well, Flughazi! If the entire country turns its eyes to Trump and he goes full Col. Kurtz on us and just tweets all day in his bunker behind Mt. Rushmore as three regional wars erupt, go nuclear and even involve the US (Hi, Little Rocket Man!) then, well, there might (?) finally be some political consequences for House Trump? Maybe? MAYBE?

The great tragedy of it FLUGHAZI would be that it would be sometime in 2021 or 2022 before we recovered enough to get around to impeaching and convicting Trump for FLUGHAZI and by that point, lulz! I do, however, doubt the United States (or Russia or China) will make it through a serious pandemic. Just like during the 1914-1945 period, empires will rise and fall if history woke up and ran around in traffic for a few months.

Anyway, the point is — you could not write a worst case scenario if we go full pandemic in the next 28 days. Heroes will be made. Cowards will be shamed. We all remember them all. It is at least within the realm of possibility that not only will we lop of the existing old codger power structure of much of the world, but some pretty astonishing historical figures will pop out of nowhere for no other reason than are giving the opportunity to prove their true personal valor (or lack thereof.)

I hope none of that happens, I really do. But there’s at least a chance that 2021 pop songs are going to be pretty serious songs about love and love lost for tragic reasons. Maybe rock will come back. That would be cool. Sigh.

But we’ve still not reached the tipping point. There’s no narrative to any of this. I have no idea what’s going on. I can’t even formulate an educated opinion at this point.