‘Stop Being Poor’ — MAGA’s Views On Poverty Are Bonkers

by Shelt Garner

It’s becoming clear to me that the political divisions in the United States are hardening. I say this because those times I’ve spoken to MAGA people of late, I realize I’m wasting my energy. They have their orthodoxly, and I have mine.

But, sometimes, I have to vent. Sometimes, their augments are so batshit bonkers that I have to write about them.

Recently, I saw a middle class MAGA person give the spicy hot take that said, essentially, that poor people in the United States are ungrateful mooches. They should be grateful that the meager life they live as a poor person in a First World nation is better than a rich person in a Third World country. Or, actually, if I recall correctly, the actual argument was poor people in the United States are making more than a lot of rich people in Third World countries.

The stupid, it burns.

This type of thinking is so goddamn stupid that I can only guess that it comes from when MAGA only talk to people who agree with them. This line of reasoning conflates things so badly and is so poorly thought out that it really fucking grates on my nerves.

You see, there’s this thing called the cost of living. And just because you are making a certain amount of money on government assistance in the United States and that that would be some sort of extravagant life elsewhere, that doesn’t mean that it’s any easer to feed yourself where the fuck you are.


And, yet, trying to point any of this out to MAGA people is a waste of time. Most of MAGA’s political arguments are little more than grunts mixed with a shit tone of self-serving rationalization.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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