Just About Time To Get Back To Work On These Four Novels

by Shelt Garner

My regular efforts to distract myself for a few days are just about to come to an end again. I’m in something of a unique position where, because of a bum ankle, all I can do are things I love — writing, developing, reading.


I’m probably going to daydream aggressively for a just a bit longer today then develop until I’m exhausted. Or, I could just get drunk and pass out. There is, as always, a chance it could go either way.

But I’m feeling pretty stoked about these four novels. I’ve begun to aggressively develop the second book and it’s going really well. All of this is happening in a vacuum — I have no one to talk to. Things would be going so much faster if I just had, say, a girlfriend or wife, to talk to about all of this. But there is a chance the opposite would be true and I wouldn’t get any work done at all.

So, lulz?

Anyway, I’m feeling pretty good — other than the broken ankle issue.

Wish me luck.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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