I’m Either Working On A Great First Draft Or A Mediocre Second Draft

by Shelt Garner

After struggling the last few days, I’ve finally hopefully gotten the hang of this latest draft of the novel. I still hope to bounce back and forth between reading, working on this novel and developing the other four novels in the series.

But I’m pleased with what I’ve managed to come up with. I think what I might do is just do whatever is necessary to wrap this draft (be it considered a first draft or a second draft) then turn around and start working really, really hard on the other four novels.

Fuck this test.

I love the huge, vast nature of this project. It’s exactly what I wanted when I came up with this idea several years ago. One thing that is giving me something of a deadline is I hope to save up the money to buy a really nice camera. Men with money buy vets at my age, I want to buy a camera.

I love photography with all my heart and the plan is, should the next Insurrection happen, I can go up there and make some history-making level shots of the events. That’s the dream, at least.

Anyway, wish me luck. Everything could fall apart at any moment, but for the time being, I’m moving along a pretty nice clip.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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