‘Woke Sky’ — #Lyrics to #Pop Song

This is just me being silly. “Woke sky,” which is trending today, sounds like a great song title.

Woke Sky
lyrics by Shelt Garner
Please give credit if you produce or perform

I look up and see
the sky looking back at me
judging me for my sins
what can I do or say
to make it look away

woke sky
things seem to be getting worse

woke sky
everything is about the mind

woke sky
the sky should be blue not angry

we’re all seen from above
sometimes the sky gives us a shove
but don’t you fear
when the night comes
everything we hold dear
will be hidden from the fear

woke sky
things seem to be getting worse

woke sky
everything is about the mind

woke sky
the sky should be blue not angry

the ground below us
doesn’t care what we say or do
just loves the pounding of our feat
on top of it

woke sky
things seem to be getting worse

woke sky
everything is about the mind

woke sky
the sky should be blue not angry

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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