‘Daddy’s Little Girl’ — Lyrics To A Slow Anti-Trump Ballad Protest Song

In my imagine nation, the music to this would be similar to Little Big Town’s “Girl Crush.” Something slow, melodic where the words are clearly sung so slowly that you understand what’s being said. That’s just my imagination. No one cares about any of these lyrics I’m writing, so this is just me venting over Trumplandia.

Daddy’s Little Girl
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

she’s daddy’s little girl is what we all say
she’s daddy’s little girl is says with a smile
she’s as beautiful as they come, I won’t deny

but in the end she can grin
tell us she’ll get daddy to relent
yet there’s not denying that she’s
complicit, complicit, complicit

we’re all stuck with the cold hard facts
the nation is being torn apart
with obvious delight by daddy’s might
is there anything she can do
when she’s so obviously complicit

now I’d like to think that daddy’s little girl
with Jared silent by her side
will look into daddy’s kind eyes and say
that enough is enough

but in the end she can grin
tell us she’ll get daddy to relent
yet there’s not denying that she’s
complicit, complicit, complicit

there’s nothing we can do or say
that will get daddy’s little girl
to do what we all wish
which is to deny her father just once

we’re all going to have to wait
until this era ends
we’ll be able to look back with chagrin
that daddy’s little girl was
complicit, complicit, complicit

‘Stay Woke’ — Lyrics To A Pop-Rock Anti-Trump Protest Song

For once, Lorde has written a song that seems to tell an obvious story — Green Light. I really like that song and in honor of it I write these lyrics that are meant to go to music similar to it. I thought about making this a rap song, but decided to go with a more traditional pop rock song for no other reason than I like that genre better.

Stay Woke
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

everyday we seem to be outraged
the news brings with it new things to fight
the powers that be seem full of delight
bringing down the nation with the words they write

all I can say is in this era of dismay
don’t be afraid to
stay woke, stay woke, stay woke
we’re all doomed if we don’t go for broke

people demand change in a rage
the range of voice is broad
the election of 2016 was hacked
we were robbed, we were robbed

now is the time to defend freedom
this will be a long struggle I believe
when will this era of pain end
when can we go back to the bliss of yesterday

all I can say is in this era of dismay
don’t be afraid to
stay woke, stay woke, stay woke
we’re all doomed if we don’t go for broke

we’re all going to have to fight
stave off the darkness of the night
nothing will change if we don’t
stay woke

the leaders of the day
don’t seem to comprehend
the young are willing to defend
what others aren’t phased about
we’re going to stay woke
we’re going to stay woke

’45’ — Lyrics To A Pop-Rock Anti-Trump Protest Song

This is a homage to Radiohead’s “Airbag.” It isn’t nearly as good and it’s kind of a back of the envelope first draft sketch at this point, but it’s fun to vent in verse. So you get this. If I could get a composer and co-writer then maybe something cool could happen with this.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

it seems we’re lose to another war
that’s what I’m afraid of at least
when it’s all over we’ll feel the roar
when the leader of the world
pushes the red button
’cause he wants a Coke

we’re lurching towards doom
glancing at the TV with a sigh
we all realize we may die because of

we all can’t sleep I’m afraid
because in the day and age the danger
of 45 is all about
why am I the only one to see
how at deep range the possible rage

we’re lurching towards doom
glancing at the TV with a sigh
we all realize we may die because of

not much more to say I’m afraid
we’re all on our own
so don’t moan, don’t moan
hope is all we can have

we’re lurching towards doom
glancing at the TV with a sigh
we all realize we may die because of

‘Jared Is A Punk’ — Lyrics To An Anti-Trump Neo-Punk Song

This is a silly homage to Judy Is A Punk. It’s just me venting. I wrote it really quick and it made me feel better. I wish someone would help me to make it better then perform it.

Jared Is A Punk
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

Jared is a punk
Ivanka is a runt
doesn’t say much
don’t hear him say
ye or nay
what gives with that

don’t know a bribe
they don’t like
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that

they want us
to believe
they know
the right way
but there
are Russians
there are
Russians everywhere
what gives
with that I say

don’t know a bribe
they don’t like
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that
no fuzz on that

Jared seems
so silent
though he has
great sway
his father-in-law
is a dick
what more
can I say
to my dismay

‘Don’t Rage’ — Lyrics To A Sad, Slow Anti-Trump Protest Ballad

I have come to believe that the only way to get out of Trumplandia is to engage people who disagree with us. These lyrics are about that. In my vision of this song, it would be a slow ballad like “Say Something.” You could probably garble it a little bit so it’s not quite as “woke” as I would like it to be.

Don’t Rage
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

don’t rage, engage
cross the divide and the pain
try to believe it when I say I have empathy
we can disagree without rage
we can try to engage each other I believe
don’t rage, engage

we’re falling apart I fear
there’s little we can say that
hasn’t been said before
we’re the same people
that’s obvious to see
why can’t you understand
are core beliefs are the same
don’t rage, engage

don’t rage, engage
cross the divide and the pain
try to believe it when I say I have empathy
we can disagree without rage
we can try to engage each other I believe
don’t rage, engage

the earth is all ours to share
if we don’t work together we’re all going down
we have to stop fighting each other so much
begin to engage for what it’s worth

don’t rage, engage
cross the divide and the pain
try to believe it when I say I have empathy
we can disagree without rage
we can try to engage each other I believe
don’t rage, engage

don’t rage, engage
don’t rage, engage
don’t rage, engage

‘No Fuzz On That’ — Lyrics To A Jaunty Pop Anti-Trump Protest Song

One thing that is fun about writing lyrics is finding a good title then trying to figure out genre would be best for the lyrics. Remember, just because I want a type of music with lyrics, doesn’t mean someone couldn’t put it to entirely different music. Shrug. I am just venting at Trumplandia at this point. I just enjoy telling a story in verse and so here you go.

No Fuzz On That
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

sometimes people ask for the truth
life gives you loot to spread
to spread across the earth
you have to tell people
the facts are obvious to all
and say with this a grin

there’s no fuzz on that
there’s not fuzz on that
the truth’s the truth
there’s no doubt at all

people keep spreading lies
think they can make us doubt the truth
but the eyes are wide open
can see what that the facts are clear
there’s no fuzz on that
there’s no fuzz on that
there’s no fuzz on that

when you get a moment to reflect
know that you’ll soon be on deck
you have no choice but smile
when you realize people will listen to you
’cause you’re in the right on this one

there’s no fuzz on that
there’s not fuzz on that
the truth’s the truth
there’s no doubt at all

people want you to believe
so many lies
they want you to believe fake news
but if you do you lose

I have no doubt that people will believe
what I have to say
even if it causes the powerful dismay
there’s no fuzz on that
there’s no fuzz on that
there’s no fuzz on that

‘Life During Trumplandia’ — Lyrics To A Dance Pop-Rock Protest Song

This is a direct homage to The Talking Heads’ “Life During Wartime.” I am not saying I’m nearly as good a writer as they are, but I am angry at Trumplandia and this is just me venting in verse. No one cares about any of these lyrics I’m writing, so this is just me screaming out into the void, if nothing else.

Life During Trumplandia
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

the leader could strangle someone on 5th Avenue
the people would scoff and move right along
no one seems to be paying attention to this threat
the Russians are here it appears
we angle for peace in our time
but all we get is lies to our surprise

Lordy, I hope there are tapes
is all we can say in unison
there’s no fuzz on this issue
let’s impeach, impeach, impeach

the Vichy Republicans have control of the radio
they seem to be on every block
watch what you say I sigh with dismay
there’s just going to be doom for days and days
The Resistance will be victorious I believe
but only through persistence will that happen
you can bet things will go up and down
we have a clown as a president
a loon you might say
we are going to rock the free world
life during Trumplandia

Lordy, I hope there are tapes
is all we can say in unison
there’s no fuzz on this issue
let’s impeach, impeach, impeach

but I still have hope
hope that things will go our way
I see in the horizon a blue wave
one that will come soon if we pray
we have to keep the faith

Trumplandia is our home for now
but that will change, change, change
give us a little bit of time to fix things
there’s just tomorrow for us to hope for
hope that tomorrow will be a better place
hope that it will be the end of Trumplandia

‘A Night At Trump Tower’ — Lyrics To A Public Enemy Type Rap Song

I really like Public Enemy because, as Chuck D said at the time, rap was the CNN of the black community. This was long before the rise of “black Twitter,” so he had a very important point. I guess it just seems like Public Enemy’s type of political lyrics might work in today’s Trumplandia. The point of these lyrics is to explain to the average person listening to the radio why the big word “emoluments” is a big deal right now.

A Night At Trump Tower
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

now ask yourself
what’s all this talk about
this talk about the emoluments clause
what the hell does that mean you sing
we’ll it’s an old fancy word for bribe
and that’s what going down
every time some foreign fucker
pays for a night at Trump Tower
a night at Trump Tower
a night at Trump Tower

that means each night at Trump Tower
by a some foreign potentate is a breach of trust
Trump is breaking the law
that sound you hear is the Founding Fathers spinning
they’re spinning in their grave
that the president is selling our birth right
for a night at Trump Tower
a night at Trump Tower
a night at Trump Tower

so while the people curse the bread
our Tsar of a president is selling us out
by making a profit off his office of state
we need a blue wave to strike DC
we need to end this travesty
the violation of the bribes
that happen every night, every night
at Trump Tower
at Trump Tower
at Trump Tower

‘A Forgettable Man’ — Lyrics To BritPop Anti-Trump Protest Song

These lyrics are about Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and how no one who meets him seems to remember the meeting. In my imagination, the music to this would be slow and melodic like a Blur song. But, again, no one cares about any of these lyrics and I’m just writing them to try my hand at telling a story in verse in a way that’s expected to be sung.

A Forgettable Man
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

people meet him day and night
but when you ask them about it
they seem full of fright
what’s to be said about this all
when at the center of this pall is

a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
what’s up with all of that

Trump may have colluded
with our enemy
but it seems to me as though
no one can see the obvious
the spymaster is controlling things
Sergey Kislyak
Sergey Kislyak
Sergey Kislyak

now we’re going to have to address
the fact that we’re in duress
there’s little we can do now
but express our pain and fear
everything we hold dear is in danger
Sergey Kislyak
Sergey Kislyak
Sergey Kislyak

a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
what’s up with all of that

we need to be brave
need to explain the problem
let’s pave the way to the truth
is my refrain

but how do we get the truth
when all Trump does is lie and lie
where are the tapes, I sigh and sigh
maybe one may knows
a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
a forgettable man
Sergey Kislyak
what’s up with all of that

‘Eyes Wide Cuck’ — Lyrics To A Public Enemy-Like Old School Hip-Hop Song

The thing about Public Enemy is they were really directly political in their lyrics and so this would be a homage to their type songs. Again, I just write lyrics like these because it’s relaxing. I know it’s unlikely they will ever be produced for various reasons. This is pretty much a first draft.

Eyes Wide Cuck
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

a demagogue from the Big Apple
has control of the land of the dapper and the sad
Trumplandia is here to say I’m afraid
say it loud but not proud
America is on her knees and
Trump wants her to slop his knob
wants her to kiss his ring, if you know what I mean
we all saw this coming
we were warned, I’m afraid
Trump says he’ll make traffic move
that the buses will run on time
some people believe him so what are we to do
Congress won’t do its job
it’s controlled by Vichy Republican slobs
I look around with my eyes closed and say

eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck

America is going to have to fight
fight for her freedom from these chains
what are we going to do I say and say
some people like living eyes wide cuck
they want their freedoms taken away
I say this with much dismay
but with any luck things will change
no longer will we live in Trumplandia
we’ll find some freedom again
people won’t feel the need to flee
the land of the free
but for the time being it seems
we’ll get no relief from these things
Mr. Bannon has the keys to the car
he’s hitting us really hard
it’s going to leave a bruise and a scar

eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck