Why War With The #DPRK May Be Inevitable

by Shelton Bumgarner

While it pains me to admit this, I fear we have to accept that war between the United States and the DPRK is almost frightfully inevitable in the near future. When I say “near future” I say sometime between now and Election Day 2018.

I say this because Donald Trump not only lacks basic human empathy, but his personality is such that he will desperately want to boost his poll numbers by Election Day 2018 so Congress doesn’t flip and lead to his impeachment and conviction. What better way to do exactly this than to do a preemptive war against the DPRK in just the right way so by November 2018 American television screens will be plastered with the imagines of the oppressed citizens of North Korea being liberated.

The moment a preemptive war with the DPRK starts, the political clock will be stopped and restarted. The moment the war starts, there will be a darkness at noon not seen since 9/11. And Trump will not only see an enormous boost in his popularity, he will also be a war president with all of the additional power that is associated with that designation.

There is a real risk that should a war with the DPRK begin, that we’ll wake up a few later and there we’ll be in a significantly more dystopian world than we ever imagined. The what’s even more troublesome is many liberals will, once the war starts, be quite supportive of a war with the DPRK because the people of the DPRK legitimately do deserve to be liberated. It’s just that up until this point, the cost of that liberation would be so tragic and so costly that we did not give it real honest thought.

But now, because of the self-evident mercurial nature of Trump what was once unthinkable is now definitely thinkable. If 3,000 deaths on 9/11 are enough to fundamentally change the American experience, imagine what 30,000 American expat dead caused by a preemptive war with the DPARK might change. It seems obvious that we’re rushing towards a dark and dystopian future because of a possible war with the DPRK.

I’m not saying I can predict the future, but I am saying the conditions are there for a preemptive war with the DPRK. All I can say is we will have to be prepared to fight for the American Republic when a war with the DPRK tests it beyond what we could have possibly imagined would ever happen.

Is It Even Possible To Engage Trump Supporters At This Point? #Resist

by Shelton Bumgarner

Something I struggle with is engaging Trump supporters. I struggle to understand their psychology. I worry that if people like me dismiss Trumpist out of hand, that will lead to some very bad things down the road. Like, actual violence in the United States as the county finally tears itself apart like a sinking Titanic.

It is really easy — intellectually lazy, even — to do just that. To simply wince, wave your hand and assume that because Trump supporters continue to be sycophants for a racist, misogynistic bigot that they aren’t worth talking to.

I have struggled to talk to them since Trump got elected and more often than not, I just got angry. One of the more difficult issues to address when it comes to Trump supporters is their America First isolationism. For a “globalist cuck” like myself, it’s difficult for me to grok someone who completely rejects something that seems pretty self-evident: that the United States having a proactive foreign policy is a force for good across the globe. How do you engage someone who rejects 70 years of conventional wisdom? That particular issue is so difficult for me to process that I simply don’t know where to begin.

I don’t know if I’m not smart enough or what when it comes to this particular issue. How do you address the world view of someone who rejects the basis of Pax Americana? They want America to turn inward in a way not seen since before World War II. I just don’t have a ready argument for people who reject any source of facts I might produce on the matter as “fake news.”

But I think some of it all boils down to the absolute rage and feeling of disenfranchisement that that core group of 37% of the electorate that supports Trump no matter what feels. It now, in hindsight, is obvious that because of technological and economic changes that someone like Trump was inevitable. Someone was going to see an obvious political opportunity and strike. Little did we ever imagine that it would be a celebrity TV gameshow host who would do it. And with the help of the Russians, no less! But it happened.

That Russian interference is something that should give all patriots pause for thought. That American conservatives are so detached from the world I know and love, that they feel so disenfranchised that they would willingly ignore what is tantamount to treason on the part of the Trump campaign simply because they want to turn back the policies of the first African American president is pretty mind boggling. The only thing I can compare it to is Vichy France.

We need a national conversation between the rural Trump supporting world and the urban progressive world. We can’t just give up. If we give up we’re doomed. We’re doomed to a civil war. Any student of history will tall you that in the late 1850s, a similar dynamic was afoot in the American body politic as the industrial North with free labor grew increasingly distant from the slave based South.

I love America and I don’t want a civil war. So, that’s why myself and people like me who consider themselves center-Left have an obligation to try to engage Trumpists. We have to figure out how to engage them without compromising to such an extent that we give up everything we believe in. It’s extremely difficult, however.

The crux of the problem we face is just that. Technology has made is so easy to live in our own little bubble that that we aren’t forced to come up with arguments to use against people who disagree with us the most. Bac 30 years ago, we all had a common reality and could agree on the facts. Now, too often, at least with Trumpists, anything they don’t agree with is “fake news.”

When I’m feeling in a particularly bleak mood, I think a civil war is inevitable. It definitely seems that way right now. But if the right leadership arises maybe, just maybe, I’m wrong. We need leaders willing to unite us, not divide us. But it could be we’re doomed and we’ll look back at this era in our history as the precursor to a civil war or worse.

#Trump, A Reassessment: Mulling The Long Con #Resist

by Shelton Bumgarner

For about six months after Trump’s election, I was so angry that I seethed with rage. Now that I have calmed down considerably, I find myself struggling to understand why Trump won and what is continued appeal is for roughly 37% of the American electorate.

We have to understand that Trump is a product of social media. Something about the rise of social media has made people extremely partisan. Some of it has to do, I think, with how easy it is to block or otherwise avoid people who disagree with you. So, both sides simply wallow in an echo chamber of things they agree with, leading to the breakdown of the traditional basic need of democracy to have consensus, compromise and synthesis. Throw in dark money, gerrymandering and Russian meddling through bots and paid trolls and you have us where we are today.

And, yet, we have one significant thing to be thankful for: Trump has no political ideology. He has no strategy. He’s all about the tactical win. He’s all about winning the moment. If Trump had the rock-hard ideology of, say, Pat Buchanan, we would be in serious trouble indeed.

But, as it stands, there is no Trumpism without Trump. Whatever magical mystery power Trump has over a sizable chunk of the electorate is attached to him personally. So, really, the only way to get rid of Trumpism is to completely vanquish Trump personally as a political force. That is quite tricky because the American Republic is on such shaky legs for various reasons that the core problems that allowed the Trump caner to fester will remain for many years to come.

One issue is people like me are too quick to enrage and not engage Trump supporters because, well, we’re at a loss as to where to begin. Where do we begin to engage people who we feel support a racist, misogynist bigoted nativist? I struggle to do that for various reasons. I closest I can come is seeing that the blind rage of people in rural areas about the modern liberal order was so great in 2016 that they were willing to overlook any flaw on Trump’s part because they thought he would, in fact “drain the swamp.”

That’s the thing that I think people like me have the most difficulty understanding: that core group of people who support Trump really do support the authoritarian chaos that he has caused since he came to power. That’s what they wanted. It’s difficult for secular humanists like me understand why “values voters” could possibly support the thrice married Trump. But they do. They do because they know that while he’s using them for his own political needs, he will, in fact give them the reach around that they have longed for so desperately. He gives them a sense of power that they haven’t felt in decades, if ever. The fact that it’s all a gross political ploy doesn’t phase them.

Another thing people like me struggle to understand is that fact that rock hard core group of Trump supporters that aren’t going anywhere really do think a Hillary Clinton administration would have been worse. They actually, to this day, really think that. They may be a lot more quiet than they were election day night, but they still think it.

Which raises an interesting counter-factual. What if Clinton had won? What would the world look like a year after the election? Probably something like this: instead of Trump’s tweets causing chaos from the White House, they would incite the Republican Congress to look for any number of different reasons to impeach Clinton and they probably would have gotten pretty damn close.

But Trump won. So we have to deal with the consequences. One of the crucial unknowns is will things snap back into place once Trump finally leaves the public sphere, or are we doomed. Are we going to suffer a Russian-style autocracy from now on because of the damage that Trump has inflicted on our body politic, or will we go back to some semblance of normalcy once he’s gone?

The answer to this question lies, in great part, to who succeeds Trump. If it’s Mike Pence, probably things will be more likely to snap back into some semblance of being normal. However, if Trump manages to last a full term, or even get re-elected, all bets are off. It is possible, probably probable, that we’ve reached some sort of event horizon whereby the realms of celebrity and politics are so muddle that they are indistinguishable.

It may be that the person who manages to heal the divides caused by Trump — and they are many — won’t be a traditional politician at all, but a liberal celebrity who manages to bridge the gaping wound that Trump has caused in our national psyche. The longer Trump stays president, the more likely it will be, say a Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart who succeeds him. I like to think that the only person who stands up to the middle school bully is the middle school class clown and it would make a lot of sense if someone like them took up the challenge of bringing down Trumpism. Though of late I’ve begun to think that the only person who could handle the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune any Democrat would suffer at the hands of FOX News’ bullshit would be someone tough as nails like Chelsea Handler.

The most ominous aspect of all of this is it’s possible we’re doomed. It really is possible that the United States is now a failed state and the only thing keeping it together is Trump himself. It’s possible that Trumpists are so completely deluded and brainwashed by their bullshit bubble that once he’s no longer in power things will grow dire indeed. And that doesn’t even begin to address the possibility that someone really dangerous — a charismatic Right-wing nutjob with an ideology — may learn from the mistakes of Trump and inflict the final death blow to the American Republic. That we really may fall of the precipitous into a dystopia.

I would like to think I have some hope that that worse case scenario won’t happen, but I don’t. History doesn’t go in a straight line and there are absolutely no assurances that the good guys will win. All we can hope is that some sort of sanity will return to American political discussion sooner rather than later.

Shelton Bumgarner is a writer and photographer living in Richmond, Va. He can be reached at migukin (at) gmail.com.

Talk To Me Internet: Trump’s Beginning To Unnerve Me When It Comes To The DPRK

by Shelton Bumgarner

I still don’t think there’s going to be a war with the DPRK anytime soon. But should it happen, for the first few days of it, I will be so angry that people I know in South Korea have been put in physical jeopardy that I will flip out on social media to an astonishing extent.

Probably it will be for the best if I don’t use social media for a few days should such a war start. I will be so tempted to burn every bridge I can get my hands on of anyone I know who supports Trump that the whole thing won’t be very pretty.

But hopefully that won’t happen. Hopefully we won’t have to worry about that.

‘Great, America’ — Proposed #SNL Skit

by Shelton Bumgarner

Trump is always talking about “making America great again,” and I propose the following SNL skit. It would be set in a rural place of indeterminate location. The comedy would come from us trying to figure out when and where Great, America is.

It would be amusing to see as we struggle to figure out exactly when America was great and why.

‘Antifa’ — Lyrics To Woke Pop-Rock Song

I have no connection to Antifa and barely know how to say the word much less understand exactly what they stand for, but I like the word and feel like writing song lyrics that are “woke” and strongly anti-Trump. So, you get these words. The music, in my imagination, would be much like Rage Against The Machine’s Renegades of Funk.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

when a black man bends a knee the nation freaks
but we got Nazis in the streets and that seems ok to thee
when a black man bends a knee the nation freaks
but we got Nazis in the streets and that seems ok to thee

since the dawn of time
people have wanted what is right
but you gotta fight for freedom
when the forces of evil darken the sky
you gotta wear your colors with pride
the Nazis won’t win in the the end
we gotta show them they’re not welcome
in the land of the free

when a black man bends a knee the nation freaks
but we got Nazis in the streets and that seems ok to thee
when a black man bends a knee the nation freaks
but we got Nazis in the streets and that seems ok to thee

there’s only one thing to do now
hit the streets with our rage on display
defend liberty from the brownshirts
the black and red will be there on the front lines
the black and red will be there on the front lines
while others refuse to fight against the fascists
antifa, antifa, antifa, antifa
will be there ready to move
antifa, antifa, antifa, antifa
will be there ready to move

they will call us the enemy
the squares and narcs will run away, afraid
but we’re ready to defend liberty
the liberty that’s under threat
from fascists

when a black man bends a knee the nation freaks
but we got Nazis in the streets and that seems ok to thee
when a black man bends a knee the nation freaks
but we got Nazis in the streets and that seems ok to thee

the streets will be ours
if we don’t leave with a few scares
then we haven’t done our job
the job no one else is willing to do

‘Aftermath’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Pop-Rock Song

The music to this would a solid pop-rock song like something you might hear from Arctic Monkeys or LCD Soundsystem. It’s about the aftermath of Donald Trump becoming president.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

the center did not hold in November
the worst that could happen, happened
so now what, now what, now what
we’re going to have to deal with the
aftermath, aftermath, aftermath

Joe Biden, our nation turns its eyes to you
Joe Biden, our nation turns its eyes to you
Joe Biden, our nation turns its eyes to you

the aftermath of the insane campaign
makes me want to complain, complain, complain
but all that yelling would be in vain
the bad guys won and now we’ve got to fight
we’ve got to do what is right
history will judge us and we have only ourselves to blame

we’ve got to listen to the past and it’ll be a blast
things are going to get rough that’s a fact
but in the end maybe Joe will help us bring things back
yet we can’t just talk we have to act
the Republic is at stake, we can’t cut any slack

Joe Biden, our nation turns its eyes to you
Joe Biden, our nation turns its eyes to you
Joe Biden, our nation turns its eyes to you

there’s going to be a bumpy night
I sigh
it seems as though things may get rough
before it’s over with, my friend

the aftermath of the election
has given me much pause for reflection
but I don’t know what to say
maybe things will change
is my refrain

‘Many People Are Saying’ – #Lyrics To A Woke Pop-Rock Song

Trump is always saying “many people are saying,” so I’ve turn that into the chorus of a woke pop-rock song that is an homage to Harry Nilsson’s Everybody’s Talkin. The music for this, however, would be more traditional pop-rock in my imagination.

Many People Are Saying
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

many people are saying
at least that’s what I hear
many people are saying
many people are saying

[verse 1]
the world is collapsing around us
Rome is on fire
Rome is on fire
the center won’t hold, hold, hold
at least that’s what I hear
many people are saying

many people are saying
at least that’s what I hear
many people are saying
many people are saying

[verse 2]
our leaders lie to us
demanding to be heard
the herd follows their every word
but not me, but not me
I follow my own beat
at least that’s why I hear

[verse 3]
I have a dream that things
snap back into place
that we’re going to returns to the past
when America was already great
and the president wasn’t insane

many people are saying
at least that’s what I hear
many people are saying
many people are saying

now believe me what I say
we’ll be strong after this
at least I believe this to be true
if it’s not
what are we going to do

many people are saying
many people are saying
the president is insane
and we’re all to blame
and we’re all to blame

Talk To Me Internet: Joe Arpaio, Hope Hicks & #Writing A Short Story & #Lyrics

by Shelton Bumgarner

I am feeling creatively restless, so I’m going to try to do some creative things today and tomorrow. But we’ll see. Anything could happen, I guess.

Trump & The Summer of Hate

by Shelton Bumgarner

In 1967, we had the Summer of Love. People were wearing flowers in their hair, running around naked and having lots of unprotected sex. Flash forward to today and and what do we have? The Summer of Hate. People hurting each other, a president who’s criminally unable to do his job and general hatred and nastiness all over.

It will be interesting to see what happens next.