I Want A (National) Divorce (Sorta)

by Shelt Garner

As we approach the 4th of July, I find myself thinking more and more about how Blue States have a growing case for secession. Now, obviously, this ironic given how it’s the far Right who STILL rant about how much they want a national divorce. But, as I have written repeatedly, if there is a National Divorce, it will be Blue States that serve the papers.

Now, in the abstract, I’ve finally decided the United States needs a national divorce. But strictly in the abstract. The reason is — any national divorce would, by definition, be a civil war and I hate violence. Or, put another way, any such divorce would be messy, bloody and extremely destructive. And not just domestically — WW3 (a series of simultaneous regional wars) would probably start if the United States had any sort of national divorce — billions could die.

States like Virginia and Texas would implode in to violent chaos. NATO would be dragged into it all and there are no assurances that WMD would not be used by both sides during the process of divorce.

So, as such, any desire I have for a national divorce is, as I said, strictly abstract. On paper, Blue States should leave the Union as part of the coming 2025 Certification Crisis. But we’re probably going to just slip peacefully into autocracy and it won’t be an issue.

The Cassidy Hutchinson Conundrum

by Shelt Garner

On one hand, Cassidy Hutchinson has a clear path to some sort of eventual high profile role in the media. And, yet, there are problems, complications to what seems a sure bet.

Cassidy Hutchinson

One, at this moment, I can’t promise you the country is going to stay together long enough for her to do it. We could very well have a civil war or a “national divorce,” if you will, and that, by definition will make her move into the media world moot. And, who knows, if we go the other direction into autocracy, she could be sorely punished if that autocrat is Trump.

If that autocrat is Ron DeSantis, however, I could see him being so happy that she knocked Trump out of the 2024 race that he gives a very, very high up job and that will be that.

Which brings up the crux of the conundrum surrounding Ms. Hutchinson — she’s MAGA. It was only because of that extremely fucked up things that she saw that she finally broke with Trump — but she’s still conservative. So, before the MAGA gets too excited that she’s a Judas who will endup on MSNBC — she’s just as likely to endup in as Press Secretary for President DeSantis as she is to get a job with the “liberal media.”

So, I guess, the point is — the jury is still out as to which direction she goes. She definitely has a lot of potential in the media world and she’s very young. She has her whole life ahead of her. I’m just afraid the country won’t last long enough for her to have the opportunity to show us what she’s capable of.