The Fist Of A Clown

by Shelt Garner

Another option in America’s inevitable slide into autocracy is Trump comes back and is simply an incompetent, deranged figure head for his veep. Because make no mistake about it — we’re completely, totally fucked.

The only reason why I’m not in an ICE camp right now starving to death in, say, Arizona, is Trump was so incompetent that he couldn’t go the last mile. Lady Liberty was spread eagle in front of him, ready to get — to put it politely, fucked — and he couldn’t get it up.

Next time, alas, we won’t be so lucky.

And either Trump will be something of an autocratic Trojan Horse for, say Mike Pompeo, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc or we really will go full autocrat and we’ll just elect one of those thugs directly. The America we assumed would always be there is now nothing more than a zombie.

The reason I know this is Twitter liberals are STILL not taking the MAGA bullshit seriously. Things have gotten so bad that it’s just too late. All the fucking MAGA cocksuckers have to do is win ONE presidential election in the next, day 20 years and that’s all she wrote. The macro changes taking place in the United States are just too powerful.

The United States is now two countries that hate each other and the lone question is, will there be a civil war during the process of transformation into autocracy or will liberty be smothered without a peep.

And, if you really want to get oh-my-God-this-is-ironic, there are indications out of Florida that the reason why Trump was so popular in the Latino community is they LIKE AUTOCRATS.

So, while I embrace the browning of America, in the end it may be that very browning that allows an autocrat to strangle our freedoms once and for all. How’s that for ironic? In the end, the question may be more about if MAGA grows so deranged that they’re overthrown for American Killing Fields or not.

In other words, get out. Leave the country.

Or be prepared to make some existential choices.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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