Ok, A Novel Development ‘To Do List’

by Shelt Garner

My goal the next few days will be to finally — finally — get into the second act. I’ve printed out the outline for the first act and now it’s just a matter of taking my Sharpie and sketching out individual scene summaries in long hand before I get back to writing.

I’m really kind of annoyed at how long it’s taking me to get where I want to be with this novel. I theoretically have four other novels to work on and I need to get to them, chop chop. I continue to think about idly, the idea of turning my attention to a tightly written novel of about 100,000 words (100 scenes) but I just can’t bring myself ot do it.

I’ve been too much time on this specific universe and, fuck that. I can do this. I just have to believe in myself. Though, to be honest, I wish I had a muse. It would be nice to have someone, anyone in my life who I could talk to about these novels.

As it is, I got squat.

I’m totally working in a vacuum. I’m believe I can get this project done a lot faster than you might think, however. It’s just a matter of putting in the work. I’m a very unique situation right now.

I’m very grateful to have this opportunity and it sure is going to hurt if this moment in my life ends and I’ve not even managed to write one fucking novel all the way through.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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