Someone Doing Due Diligence On You Via The Web Is Going On A First Date Against Your Will

by Shelt Garner

At the moment, I about as big a nobody as it is possible for someone to be on this lovely green planet of ours. This may change at some point, but that’s my lot in life at the moment. So, when someone goes out of their way to hide behind the Internet Archive to look at this blog, it makes me sit up and take notice.

Now, the obvious answer could be noting all that interesting, but rather a close relative with enough Internet acumen to use the service. But I have a hyper-aggressive personality, so the first thing I think when I see that in my Webstats is someone famous or powerful is curious about me.

Whenever someone is obviously doing due diligence on me, I struggle to understand how to process such a thing. My life is so meaningless at the moment that the idea that someone wouldn’t want me to know they were looking at me is interesting enough make may day.

So I’m both flattered that someone would take the trouble to hide who they were and unnerved that someone would take the trouble to hide who they were. It’s probably nothing all that interesting. It’s probably, like I said, a relative who came to see me for Thanksgiving poking around to get a better sense of their weird relative.

I really am of that little interest to the outside world at the moment. There have been a few interesting national reporters who have poked around this blog over the years — or at, least, I suspected, but they all eventually ghosted me once they saw what a kook I am.

The Internet Archive Strikes Again

by Shelt Garner

I’m obsessed with my Webstats. I’ve been obsessed with Webstats since at least the 1994-1995 timeframe. Anyway, someone looked at something I just posted on this site using the Internet Archive. It makes me wonder why they would be so interested in the post about why my novel is probably going to be relevant even though the Trump Era is (hopefully) wrapping up.

It’s all very curious.

I honestly can’t help myself when it comes to writing about writing. I’m such an absolute extrovert that I would just be really, really miserable if I went dark on the subject of what I was doing with the novel. So, let the chips fall where they may.

But I’m now moving EXTREMELY FAST with this novel. The first draft should be done — hopefully — a lot sooner than you might think. I keep expecting someone to steal a march on me at any moment. I would be devistated. But I now know how *I* develop a novel, so my replacement project — should it come to that — would not take 2 years to get to the point this novel currently is.

It would be a painful turn around, but it would be very possible to do it pretty quick once I recovered from having this particular dream squashed.