by Shelt Garner
The great joke that has been played on everyone is, of course, that American Liberalism has been crucified for the sins of the American Left that hates liberals with a passion. So pretty much, all the “woke” stuff that has hurt liberalism in the US isn’t even liberalism.

But, despite this, I suspect what is going to happen is, baring, I don’t know a DPRK nuke blowing up NYC specifically because of a Trump screw up, a reign of “just good enough” MAGA tyrants for the rest of my life.
Either Trump pushes through a Constitutional Convention so he has a lot more power for the rest of his life or we enter a semi-imperial era in our nation’s history where it’s just Trump after Trump after Trump from here on out being president.
And because Americans are generally complacent, lulz, it won’t matter. I’ve come to believe that its the “just good enough” part of the equation that is going to save Trumplandia — because of income inequality, America otherwise would be ripe for revolution. (Not that I’m advocating any such thing.)
Anyway — I still want to leave the country. As soon as possible. But for various reasons that just isn’t possible at the moment and so I will have to suffer the slings and arrows of being a minority of one in Trumplandia.
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