House Trump’s Impeachment Response Strategies & How To Address Them

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

Before I begin, I have to note that a fish rots from its head. A lot very power, very intelligent and very well educated people are playing defense for an extremely reckless doofus. So, the thing to take into consideration is I’m trying to imagine how House Trump will respond to the upcoming impeachment battle. But there’s an existential weakness, no matter what — Trump himself. There may come a point when just like how I see a fence at the border and everyone else sees a wall, there may be a pretty big difference between what many of can actually see with our senses and what Republicans tell us we see.

Let The People Decide
At some point we will get close enough to the 2020 election cycle that the Republican talking heads will say given that what Trump did isn’t really a big deal, what’s the point in going through the impeachment process in the first place. The critical flaw to this argument — and the one they don’t want us to think too much about because, well, lulz, they have no shame and lust after power for power’s sake — is that Trump demonstrably is so shifty and corrupt that there are no assurances that there will be a free and fair election in the first place. And that, in itself, is the more existential aspect of this clusterfuck. Our entire 200 or so years of republican rule rests on Trump doing something so catastrophically bad that he loses enough Senate Republicans that they vote to convict.

I say this because if Trump is so a craven doofus as to call the president of Ukraine 24 hours after being given a political pardon by the “bad optics” of Bob Mueller’s Congressional testimony, you damn well the moment he’s acquitted by the Senate he’s going to be emboldened AGAIN. If this wrapped ups around, say Feb. 2020, that gives him a pretty long time to use the levers of Federal power to fuck with the election. That’s his thing. He’s so obsessed with winning at any cost that he’s willing to pretty much destroy the entire country and it’s tradition of free and fair elections to do it. Nothing will be off the table. He will be completely above the law. Trump will grow so absolutely brazen that he can bribe Electors or dox them or whatever. He is going to win. There will be no stopping. What are Democrats going to do, impeach him AGAIN just a few days before the election? Or between when he loses the election and when he uses corrupt means to secure an Electoral College victory? Have you been paying attention? So it’s reasonable to assume that if Trump somehow magically lost the election that he would simply use post-Election Day corrupt means to win. And there simply would not be the political will to do anything about it. So, Republicans with no shame and a craven lust for power “win.” This is not a hysterical scenario. This is a scenario using the metrics that have been established in broad daylight about Trump’s personality and motives.

Abject Denial Of Reality
There is a chance that, like I said, Trump will self-own again. There will come a point where is behavior is so surreal and erratic that it is literally impossible not to notice. But Republicans, knowing that Trump has the love of the base and people generally aren’t interested in politics (lulz) will simply not just be party over country, they’ll be party over reality. The way to combat this is, well, make their life hell. A Republican pressure point is cramming through young hack MAGA Federal judges. If Republicans simply deny reality altogether — or refuse to talk about the dick pic Trump tweeted out — you shut down the Senate using parliamentary warfare. I don’t know the finer points of the Senate, but I’m under the impression that if you really wanted to be a dick, you could slow it so much that it essentially ground to a halt.

“Managed Democracy”
The most chilling aspect of the problems Trump is experiencing right now is they are in large part the result of Trump finally figuring out how to use the levers of power. So, it makes sense that if Trump managed to stay cogent enough to realize he may be facing an existential crisis, will simply break the entire liberal democracy that we currently enjoy. He pardons a dozen powerful people. He appoints a Special Prosecutor to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden. He leans into how the Judiciary is now but an extension of the GOP. He will figure that most people really won’t care (lulz) about some pretty basic rights as long as they economy is doing well. The only response I can think of this is, on an ideological level, radicalism. Radical Resistance would manifest its in the use of enlisting “civilians” into the fight against fascism. One of the few times House Trump has backed down — the whole kids n cages situation — the bolts popped off civil society for a few days as pretty much everyone on TV looking into the camera and said the policy was horrific. In this case, it wouldn’t be a day, it would be weeks. There would come a point, maybe, when a few Republicans might realize they had gotten all the massive plutocrat tax cut they wanted and Pence would give them the young hack MAGA judges on the Federal bench too. They might not abandoned Trump, but they might lesson his political power.

Again, let me stress something to all the powerful Republicans who still believe Trump is going to establish The Thousand Year Trump — Trump is not just an evil version of Being There’s Chauncey Gardner, he’s also a criminally incompetent self-own artist. If you thought today was bad, there’s a non-zero chance you’re going to be on TV defending a presidential junk pic. Or the president tweeting in the N-word to Obama. Or the president “joking” on Twitter that MAGA should kill the Whistleblower. I know Republicans have no shame and are craven in their lust for power for power’s sake. But maybe I’d like to end this on an up note and speculate maybe, just maybe a Republican with power might at least do The Pence Pivot. They won’t, of course. We’re fucked.

Trump, Putin, Ukraine & The Absolute Darkest Timeline

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

I would just like to note that there is a minor amount of chatter on Twitter about Russian forces moving around near the Ukrainian border. It isn’t too much of a stretch to think that Putin might, just might, see his Trump investment about to go belly up.

As such, he might strike Ukraine while he has the chance. I doubt it would be a general war because Russia has the economy of something like Spain. But Putin has bragged that he could take Kiev in two weeks.

It’s something to keep in the back of your mind.

Donald Trump Is Not A Political Genius

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

Just as Trump’s wall is being built as a fence, it’s becoming pretty clear that he’s not the political genius access journalists are making him out to be. It pains me to say this, but we’ve elected Being There’s Chauncey Gardner president.

Here’s what I think happened. In Obama’s second term, the Republican Party’s base stopped believing in liberal democracy. The conditions were there for someone like Trump to rise. And, remember, all the front runners for the nomination before Trump secured the nomination were, in relative terms, extremely conservative. So, given how poorly Hillary Clinton acted as candidate, if Trump had decided to play president on Sharknado, we would now have a President Cruz or President Rubio. They would likely — especially with Fed court nominations — be appointing the same Federalist Society hack judges that Trump is. But, in a way, they would be far better in getting what they wanted because, well, they aren’t complete idiots like Trump.

Chauncey Gardner

So, really, because Trump was a conservative celebrity Twitter troll that the base knew from TV, Trump did not have to do any work. As others have noted, Trump was simply playing the role written for him on The Apprentice. Trump is demonstrably a barely functioning human being, much less an adult. He’s a grifter and a con artist. He’s far better at rhetoric than he is any form of political theory.

The reason why we’re told he’s a political genius is a lot of very intelligent, very well educated people are projecting on to Trump things that don’t exist because they have no other explanation for what’s going on. Making him a genius helps them feel good about the metrics that they, themselves are successfully measured by. They know they’re smart and well educated and would think the same way given the results Trump gets. But what they can’t admit — because it would threaten their self-identity — is Trump is just a malignant version of Chauncey Gardner. Trump became president not because he is smart or clever or worked hard like they did. He’s president because of macro social, political and economic problems in the United States that he has no control over.

So, if the people who are covering Trump have a vested interest in making him seem far more adept than he is, then he becomes invincible. Access journalists write in hushed tones that Trump’s latest clusterfuck is actually a subtle play for single women liberal voters just outside Phillie. They say that because how else do you explain such bizarre behavior? To say that Trump is pretty much a lucky moron is to suggest that you can be not only stupid and criminally incompetent, but not go to a good school and have more power than people who did to it “the right way.”

With that in mind, some things come to mind. One is, if you’re not only a political grifter but have poor impulse control, you’re likely to get in trouble. That Trump would actively collude again the day after being given a political pardon by the “poor optics” of Bob Mueller’s testimony to Congress is a sign that maybe you shouldn’t be president anymore. The surreal irony of all of this is Trump is getting into more trouble now because he is beginning to get the hang of how to abuse the levers of power. Again, if he was a political genius that access journalists want us to believe, this is not what he would do.

And so now, we’re in the situation we’re in. Trump will grow in power because he’s able to use his power more effectively. Trump’s likely to wiggle his way out of this TrumpUkraine scandal and, well, I guess if we’re such idiots to let him do it we deserve what we get.

Burn House Trump To The Ground — We Need Radical Resistance In Congress

Let’s Rock.
Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

I don’t often get this angry over Trump, but the idea that Trump’s going to use the Mueller playbook with the complaint against him is making me pop a gasket.

The House Trump media game plan:

The transcript of Trump’s call is a dud. The network talking heads say the “optics” of the transcript are bad for Democrats. Meanwhile, a heavily redacted complaint is also released. This, too, is seen by Chris Cillizza and his ilk that Nancy Pelosi made a strategic mistake. All the energy for impeachment fizzles. By Friday evening, Trump, realizing he’s escaped yet AGAIN calls up Putin and directly asks him to hack into our election. He’s learned how to cover his tracks better and that, as they say, is that.

I have every reason to believe this is going to work. Why else would they suddenly change strategies so abruptly? Impeachment is a game of retail politics on a massive scale. Once the talking heads of cable news believe the “poor optics” of the House Trump’s limited hangout is gaining traction, then we have Mueller’s testimony to Congress all over again.

All I can assume is House Trump is nervous about how quickly things are moving and they believe if they managed the release of information properly it’ll all go away. That Trump himself is a brazen, lawless moron is none of their concern. Their goal is to get him pardoned AGAIN in the court of public opinion. If they can stumble into about May 2020, Trump is free to do whatever the fuck he wants. He is completely immune politically do any criminal act. He will be totally above the law.

After that, Trump has sex with Ivanka on FOX News while eating a live baby. Senate Republicans will say we should wait until November for the “people to decide” what should happen to Trump.

All I can say is, if we want to keep America a liberal democracy, we’re going to have to act like it. We’re going to have to pressure the Nancy Pelosi even MORE. We’re going to have to demand that Trump follows the law as written and sends the entire, unredacted complaint to Congress. The complaint isn’t supposed to be released to the public, it’s supposed to be send to Congress.

Trump’s admitted an impeachable offense on TV! At a minimum, the House should begin using its “inherent contempt” powers immediately. Like, Wednesday afternoon. You start jailing and fining people in the Trump Administration until someone, somewhere begins to think maybe America is a rule of laws and that the Constitution means something to someone.

Trump thinks HE is at political war, so maybe we should too. Throw a Molotov Cocktail into the workings of Congress. Nothing happens, period, until the Trump Administration stops acting like it’s above the law. I would also suggest you enlist Jon Stewart to help the cause, but that’s just me.

This is serious.

But I guess it’s Chris Cillizza world, we just live in it.

John Podhoretz — You, Dear Sir, Are Full Of Shit

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

If he was still on Twitter, I would write this to John Podhoretz as a tweet. But he’s not. So, I hope he sees this ego surfing his name soon. Podhoretz was on Chuck Todd’s show today and he insinuated that Rep. Adam Schiff may have done something “illegal” if he had already seen the compalint against Trump.

Let’s unbox this idea. First, it’s obvious the man just wanted to get the words “Schiff” and “illegal” in proximity to each other in a sentence on TV. Second, as the law is written, Schiff is among those individuals who are supposed to see the compalint in the first place. How he could possible do something illegal given the letter of the law is curious. What’s more what deep state machinations would lead him to be able to see the report and yet not show the rest of his committee who also are supposed to be able to see it.

So, with all do respect, Mr. Podhoretz, at best your a right wing partisan hack and at worst you’re just full of shit.

Impeachment & The Politics Of (No) Shame

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

Trump’s still not taking the impeachment drive against him seriously. I know this because we’re rushing through the Stormy Daniels playbook at lightning speed and he doesn’t seem all that concerned.

It’s when we come to the end of this playbook and he still faces impeachment that things are going to go haywire. One, Trump while criminally incompetent at his job, is in trouble in the first place in large part because he’s figured out how to use the levers of power to do his bidding. So, the moment he actually feels there’s an existential threat, he’s likely to do concrete, serious things in an attempt to end the march towards actually impeaching him.

Starting a war seems like the most obvious thing he would do. A war with Iran seems rather teed up for him, but for one thing — it’s my impression Iran is Russian client state. So, that would make things a little bit more complicate. Trump wants a major regional war for two reasons. One, it makes him a war president, which gives him more power. Two, he wants to wag the dog and the ability to use Lee Greenwood at any of his upcoming Nuremberg Rallies. Third, it gives the base a talking point — you can’t impeach the president, we’re at war! They get the own the moment at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

While Iran is still an option, there is a far more serious, far darker possibility –the DPRK. Trump barely believes anyone but Ivanka and himself really exist, so Trump could very well use an excuse of some sort to dramatically ratchet up tensions with the DPRK. Trump’s both stupid enough and completely devoid of empathy enough to actually start a jaw-dropping war with the DPRK in an effort to — in his mind — make it politically impossible for impeachment to proceed.

Now, the reason why this is even an issue is Trump and, by extension the Republican Party, is completely devoid of shame. They don’t believe in liberal democracy and they crave power for power’s sake like a vampire craves fresh blood. Add to this that Republicans are prepared to take the Trump Train to whatever destination it may go, and, well, you have a receipt for disaster.

In my view, at least, that means if Trump’s sole goal is to stay in power, he is going to “win.” In the highly unlikely event that his polls numbers crater into the teens, he isn’t going anywhere. His strategy remains the same — getting the base to turn out in Nov. 2020 and to use that as the Sword of Damocles over the heads of elected Republican politicians.

As such, from Trump’s point of view, as long as he can still appointed young hack judges and set policy, it honestly doesn’t matter how low his poll ratings are. That’s it, he wins. And, if need be, he can always depend on Russians hacking the election or simply bribing individual Electors to throw the election for him. That doesn’t even begin to address his pardon power.

So, really, the Republican Party and its cult will win the day because they have no shame and their goal is power for power’s sake. There honestly isn’t anything we can do. I’m glad we seem to be on the path to impeachment, but even if Trump’s crimes are extremely clear cut, Senate Republicans will never convict him. Sometime around Feb., Trump’s acquitted and even though his poll numbers are now about 20%, he will go about his merry way as if nothing happened.

When you have no shame and only care about power, that’s how things are going to shake out.

Having said all that, there’s kind of a dramatic and frightening ray of hope to all of this — Trump himself. Anyone who would call up the Ukrainian president the day after Bob Mueller’s “poor optics” testimony gave him a political pardon, is a pretty adept self-own artist.

So, while in theory Trump is likely to not only escape conviction but get a second term criminally, in practice he’s also likely to finally lose his mind. The pressure of impeachment is likely going to make him finally snap.

And, as such, in the end, it won’t be politics it will be Trump’s own mind that might end The Thousand Year Trump. While his Republican enablers will simply say Trump’s “joking” at first, even braindead Republicans might blanch at having to explain Trump tweeting out a dick pic. They’ll do it, of course, and it won’t really matter because they have no shame. But there’s a least a chance that after a few months of Trump acting in a fashion that is demonstrably and egregiously indefensible (far more so than anything he’s already done) the ground may shift under Trump and The Pence Pivot will take place.

Don’t hold your breath, though. Sometimes you have to articulate things just to make yourself feel better.

Impeachment Crisis Notes For Sept. 23rd, 2019

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

We have not reached a tipping point yet. There has yet to be a sudden rush towards impeachment by the House Democratic caucus. If it happens at all, it appears it will happen later in the week, maybe in the Thursday – Friday time frame.

The desire to impeach is just about equal to the desire to “let the people decide” in 2020. Every day impeachment hasn’t officially begun is another day that Trump has won. If the articles of impeachment haven’t been sent to the Senate by around Jan. 15th, then all of this is a very moot point.

Mich McConnell is likely to invoke a rule that you can’t try a president in the Senate in the same year as presidential election. That will be the big shock of early 2020. Trump will see this as a gimme. There will not be a free and fair election if this happens.

At least on a Constitutional and strategic level, Nancy Pelosi is now complicit in not punishing Trump. If she doesn’t recognize this for the existential crisis it is and throw resources at the impeachment investigation immediately, history will not judge her kindly.

This is actually, at least superficially, a pretty jaw dropping scandal. Not just Trump, but Pence and Rudy are implicated in all of this. If we were a functioning democracy, they would all be at real risk of having significant legal jeopardy. As it is, lulz.

As mentioned, we’re long past the point where impeachment proceedings and the 2020 campaign don’t overlap. Both influence the other. So, really, the thing we would need to do for a proper impeachment proceedings — investigate every possible avenue of corruption, obstruction of justice, abuse of power and collusion / conspiracy, is simply not viable. Add to this that Pelosi has starved House Democrats of any budget and, really, things are rather bleak.

The only reason why impeachment suddenly came to the forefront in a big way was a massive unforced error on the part of Trump himself. And he is likely to slow walk and stonewall the whole thing as much as possible. Again, this makes the possibility of any sort of successful impeachment proceeding done in a timely manner (read, before mid-Jan. 2020) impossible.

Thus, the whole thing is likely be half-assed and half-hearted. And by the time the articles are voted on, the 2020 campaign will be in full swing. I honestly don’t know how all that would work out. As I said, I believe Leader McConnell is likely to make a big deal of “for the sake of the country” the Senate not try the president during an election year.

Two last things.

One, if I had limited funds and a short amount of time, I would have a day-long hearing with half-dozen psychologists to talk about the president’s state of mind.

House Democrats need to radicalize a little bit and be prepared to do things that might enrage the Right. Namely, I would suggest they use their ability to jail people for contempt in a gratuitous fashion. I saw someone on Twitter use some weird bullshit game theory reason why this would be a bad idea. Fuck that. Just do it. How else are you going to make the criminals running the government take things seriously?

We Don’t Want The Transcript, We Want The Fucking Complaint #TrumpUkraine

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

In the age of Trump, you grow accustomed to getting excited that maybe, at last, political gravity will kick in and Trump will face some sort of consequence for his surreal, criminal and corrupt behavior. House Trump has two ways of combating scandals. One is the Roy Cohen inspired Stormy Daniels Playbook. The other is to slow walk any legal trouble so they can get into their second term so it won’t really matter anymore because we’ll be an authoritarian managed-democracy by that point.

So, right now, Trump is using the mindfuck that brings him such glee — teasing the idea that he’ll release the transcript of the conversation that’s getting him in trouble. This is a multi-layered mindfuck because it conflates what we need — the actual complaint — with the thing that causes people concern about releasing — the transcript.

Therefore, what House Trump believes will happen is they can slow walk releasing the transcript. The tease amps up the hype for the transcript’s political significance. We spend precious months fighting over it and when it comes out, it’s a dud. Trump wins re-election, fuck you.

Meanwhile, the far more damaging thing, the complaint — which legally has to be turned over, natch — goes down the memory hole with Trump’s taxes, fuck you.

For the moment, Trump has the upperhand. He’s too good at this and the press too eager to fall into the same trap over and over again. So, really, I have very low expectations. I see nothing but blue skies for House Trump’s Thousand Year Trump.

Let’s Talk About The Right’s False Equivalency About Obama’s Hot Mic Diplomacy & #TrumpUkraine

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

I predicted this would be among the Right’s talking points a few days ago and it’s come true. First, they say it’s simply “inappropriate” for Trump to extort a foreign power to get dirt on his likely 2020 rival. So, they introduce the idea that Trump’s simply being “naughty.” He didn’t really do anything wrong, you know. He was just “inappropriate.”

Then, once they’ve established a modicum of displeasure with The Dear Leader, they turn around and say, well, you know, Obama did the same thing when it got caught on a hot mic saying he would have “more flexibility” with the Russians after the 2012 elections.

For stupid people let me point out something.

Using your power as president to pressure a foreign power to trump up false charges about your opponent is not just “inappropriate.” That’s a big boy crime.

Simply suggesting that after the election you might have more diplomatic wiggle room on a political level, that’s this thing called diplomacy. I know MAGA hates black people and especially Obama, but if you’re a talking head on FOX News, I thought you were supposed to be “fair and balanced.”

It’s impressive that otherwise well educated and intelligent people would attempt to pull off such a brazen false narrative. As it always the case, MAGA wants to own the moment, damn the consequences. Even when they’re proven wrong by Trump himself’s statements, they’ve moved on to some other way of sucking the little orange weener.

Something’s Gotta Give

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

As of Monday, Sept. 23, 2019, TrumpUkraine is following the usual Trump scandal playbook. It might be happening a little faster because of the severity and brazenness of the alleged crime, but we’re definitely cruising towards this wrapping up as a net plus for House Trump.

The press will willfully give House Trump the cover to appoint a Special Prosecutor to “look into” the Bidens “just to be sure” as a matter of “transparency.” While high information voters will be angry, the average person who doesn’t follow politics will not know who to believe. Besides, the economy is doing well. Lulz.

No one is showing any political courage at this point. There will come a point very soon when we’re so close to the beginning of the 2020 election cycle that Nancy Pelosi will put out a statement saying while Trump should be impeached, for the good of the nation, it’s best if we just “let the people decide” in November 2020.

It’s definitely not looking like absolutely nothing is going to happen to House Trump because of TrumpUkraine. Or, to put it in political terms, while the general consensus will be Trump should be impeached, he won’t be because the 2020 campaign will have begun. Surely he won’t be re-elected, will he?

Without any sense of there being consequences, Trump will grow more brazen. Lulz.