America’s Foes Are Gunning For Us On Social Media

by Shelt Garner

On both Twitter and Tik-Tok I’ve seen a lot of what is clearly ‘fight fight fight” rhetoric generated by accounts that are clearly not American. It is beginning to dawn on America’s strategic foes that we could very well implode because of….vibes.

They are hoping to stir up trouble on social media to the point that, say the simmering power struggle between Texas and the Feds could turn into a full blown insurrection or even civil war.

I don’t see how we can stop this particular situation. It’s one of those things where outside forces stirring up trouble are just part of what we have to deal with going forward.

Everything is so fucked up

This Is Nuts

by Shelt Garner

I am still not prepared to believe anything of note is going to happen because of the low-key power struggle between the Feds and Texas, but the news that the Border Patrol Union claims it won’t cut the barbwire at the center of that struggle doesn’t help anything.

And I still am not 100% sure that this means what I think it means.

And, what’s more, I still think Biden is going to let Texas have its fun until he knows one way or another what is going to happen with the immigration deal making its way to the House. If it is, in fact, DOA as Speaker Johnson proposes, then, yeah, things might escalate pretty quick.

But….I’m not prepared to believe that.

I think all of this is a bunch of bluster and it will come to nothing, at least until after Election Day 2024.

Only time will tell, I suppose.

I Don’t Know What To Think About Russian Trolls Reading My Blog To Fuck With America

by Shelt Garner

I keep getting pings from deep inside of Russia from people reading my dystopian hellscape scenarios about America’s future. It’s clear that it’s not SPIES reading this blog, it’s Russian TROLLS.

Some of the bullshit on social media these days in regards to the stand off between Federal and Texas forces is jaw dropping. It’s just pure and total bullshit. And, yet, here we are, with MAGA rubes lapping it up.

The idea that I might be helping Russian trolls fuck with the minds of my fellow Americans fills me with a great deal of angst. But, alas, there’s not much I can do about it now, I suppose.

Once something is on the Internet, it’s there forever.

It’s so rare for anyone to give a shit about what I have to say about ANYTHING, that I totally didn’t think that all my verbiage about the prospect of a Second American Civil War might catch the attention of America’s enemies.

My bad, as they say.

Why Biden May Be Slow Walking His Response To The Texas Standoff

by Shelt Garner

  1. He doesn’t want escalate things.
    It could be that Biden isn’t Federalizing the Texas National Guard — and any other National Guard that gets in his way — because he just doesn’t want to escalate things at the moment.
  2. He doesn’t want to blow up the immigration reform package
    It’s also possible that for similar reasons, he is afraid that if he Federalizes the Texas National Guard that that, by definition, will blow up the immigration reform package that is working its way through Congress at the moment.

    It’s clear, of course, that something’s gotta give sooner rather than later and that there is a lingering risk of an insurrection or even a secession crisis if Biden doesn’t handle things right.

    I also think that the main event — whatever it might be — will happen in late 2024, early 2025 after the 2024 Election happens.

This Clusterfuck Power Struggle Between Texas & The Feds Could Go A Number Of Different Ways

by Shelt Garner

The reason why the current stand off between the Feds and Texas is so dangerous is it taps into the race member of so many conservative white Southerners who have a lingering belief that “the South shall rise again.”

What surprises me is how much of a low simmer this provocative situation has been on since it started. We’ve yet to reach any sort of tipping point where all hell breaks out and the country collapses — even though the entire Right of the US seems determined to make that a reality.

If anything, on a personal basis, I can console myself with the idea that at the moment it seems as though if there is a Second Civil War it won’t be because “my side” — the Blues — started as I have long feared. That could still happen if things calm down in Texas and Trump cheats to win in 2024, but, for the moment, it will be Reds who will have to take the blame for destroying the greatest country in the world because of “vibes.”

But none of that has happened yet. It’s still possible that we’ll muddle through like we have so often in the past. That’s what I hope happens, at least.

Why Isn’t Mainstream Media Talking About The Power Struggle Between Texas & The Feds?

by Shelt Garner

I’m slowly growing obsessed with what is going on between Texas and the Federal government at the border. So much so, that I find myself at a loss that the center-Left mainstream media has been pretty mum about what’s going on.

I think that maybe this is the case because they are making the editorial judgement that if THEY give it attention, the there’s a real risk that things will escalate and we’ll end up with either another insurrection or even a civil war. I get it. It makes sense.

But I am so starved for commentary about what’s going on that I am tempted to listen to Right wing podcasts which I’m SURE are all over this particular clusterfuck. I haven’t quite gotten there yet, but it may happen.

And it could be that something will happen sooner rather than later that will force the hand of the MSM and they’ll have to start talking about it.

Everything Old Is New Again

by Shelt Garner

That Gov. Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma would claim on CNN that the Federal government doesn’t make states….is pretty outrageous, coming from someone whose state was CREATED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNENT OUT OF THE INDIAN TERRITORY.

It gets even more comical when you take into consideration the fact that when the CSA lost the Civil War, they were re-organized and re-admitted into the Union as part of Reconstruction. So, even a state like Texas can’t claim that it wasn’t “created” by the Federal government.

Not only is Stitt’s argument one of the same ones that the founders of the Confederate States of America made, it also pisses me off so much that now I think Blue states should just ignore SCOTUS on issues of guns and abortion. It was stunning to see Stitt freak out in his car while doing a hit on CNN with Jake Tapper when Tapper brought this up.

It was surreal to see his absolute political need to protect guns at all costs on a political basis cause him to zoom right past any compunction he might have had to feel any sense of hypocrisy on what he was saying.

I hate that someone saying something so dumb and hypocritical has single handedly caused me to grow more a tick more radical, but here we are. It’s time way past time for President Biden to nationalize the National Guard of ANY state that stands in the way of the SCOTUS decision.

We Live In Surreal Times

by Shelt Garner

It definitely seems that the conditions exist for the world’s first and lone hyperpower to just…collapse because of “vibes.” The Republican Party’s long-hopped for moment to finally “own the libs” once and for all by destroying the greatest country in the world is finally here — the question now is, of course, how far are they prepared to go?

I honestly don’t know. It could go either way. It’s one of those things where while all the conditions exist for Something Bad to happen…it could be all a big lulz. There’s a little bit of momentum already in the system for escalation….but not enough for things to get out of hand.

I still think it’s possible that there might be some sort of “insurrection” that takes place, but not an actual secession crisis that destroys the country. Only time will tell, I suppose.

Two Different American Media Echo Chambers Exist

by Shelt Garner

It’s kind of surreal how nothing is being said in the mainstream center-Left media about the possibility of a shootout between Texas and Federal forces at the border, while that’s all the alternative center-Right press wants to talk about.

This is an example of how “vibes” may be the downfall of the country.

It is also an example of how should something crazy happen in Texas that the mainstream media is going to have egg on its face because it totally did not prepare people for what was about to happen.

But I get it — they probably did not want to unduly alarm people.

It could be that this is just going to be a standoff for a while and nothing will happen. That’s what I hope happens, at least.

NeverTrumpers As Modern Day War Democrats

by Shelt Garner

Because history usually takes the most surreal, ironic path possible, I could see a near future — after some sort of civil war / revolution — where what we call the “NeverTrump” movement might be ascendant.

I say that because, in general, the United States is a center-Right nation with center-Left aspirations. As such, if political gravity violently snapped back into place because of a Blue victory in a second civil war / revolution, then there would probably be a lot of popularity for conservatives who opposed Trump.

Of course, in the more near term, I wonder what strange, surreal political situations we might find ourselves in if there was some sort of major confrontation on the border between Texas and the Feds. If the two sides started shooting at each other, then…oh boy.

It’s possible that there MIGHT be a secession crisis and a lot of MAGA Republicans would have to make a decision as to how much they really were in Trump’s pocket and how loyal they remained to the Union. All of this would only increase the power of the existing NeverTrump movement.

If — and this may be a huge if — IF Blues win any civil war / revolution that might happen because of ding-dong Trump, then for a little while, at least, NeverTrumpers might be the catbird’s seat politically.