The United States Is Controlled By A Nazi MAGA Cabal of Afrikaners

by Shelt Garner

What do the following people have in common — Elon Musk, David Sacks and Peter Thiel.

Answer: They all are Afrikaners from South Africa.

They know each other as part of the “Paypal Mafia,” yes, but really, they are exemplars of the far Right of South Africa. It’s interesting that in this dire moment of crisis, no one else has noticed this particular situation.

But, maybe they will (eventually.)

Whatever. We’re fucking doomed. We just don’t have it in us to do anything about this particular problem until it’s way, way, too late.

It’ll Never Happen, But Maybe We Need A Military Coup

by Shelt Garner

I’ve written numerous times over the years about the possibility that Trump is so stupid and lazy that he could finally push the public to the point that the U.S. Military would feel it needs to step in to overthrow him. (This, of course, would cause a civil war because Red States would leave the Union.)

So, I don’t really want a military coup, but it is enticing. It has a certain allure to it, as if we could square the circle of MAGA turning us into a fucking MAGA Nazi state by just starting all over.

We have a military junta run the country while we hold a Constitutional Convention that would have sweeping powers to reform things so we can bounce back. But, like I said, about 48% of the population LOVES what Trump is doing, so, lulz. It’s all very frustrating.

There just doesn’t seem to be anything we can do to fix this particular situation. At least in the near term. Either we slide into autocracy with our eyes wide open or Trump and Musk finally do something so outrageous that there’s, like, a General Strike and the U.S. Military is forced to step in.

Who knows what is going to happen.

Late Night TV Is Probably Going To Be Purged Soon

by Shelt Garner

As Trump and Musk’s putsch continues to rampage through the U.S. Government and society, it seems that inevitably they will turn their attention to late night TV. As I understand it, Putin purged Russia’s late night TV as he consolidated power in the early years of his regime.

I don’t know exactly how it will happen, but it seems clear that something we take for granted — a free and open society, is about to implode into tyranny. And, as such, I think in a few months all the late night TV shows — including Saturday Night Live — will either be canceled or neutered in some way.

This is inevitable. It seems like a political force of nature at the moment. There’s just nothing we can do. We’re going to wake up and America won’t be free any more. And I suspect it’s going to happen a lot sooner than you might think.

It could be days or weeks, not months.

But, so many people are just happy to see “scary brown people” in camps that they’re willing to put up with just about anything, I suppose.

General Strike!

by Shelt Garner

I only feel comfortable writing any of this because absolutely no one listens to me. If I felt anyone would actually listen to me on this subject, I would keep my thoughts to myself. So, in a sense, this is just mental masturbation to make myself feel better.

Having said all that, I suspect it’s at least possible that at some point after Social Security checks fail to be issued (probably at the end of this month) there might be some momentum towards real collective direct action in the guise of something pretty huge like a Blue General Strike.

I say this because neither Trump, nor Musk is going anywhere and the only way to get rid of one or both of them is to do something really fucking drastic, like crash the national (global?) economy by having a General Strike.

Of course, there is a risk that doing such a thing would play into Trump’s hands by giving him the right to declare martial law. I suspect he’s bound to do this anyway, so, lulz, bring it on.

And, yet, I think there is also a chance that Blue’s just don’t have it in them collectively to do something so dramatic and drastic. So, Trump and Musk will consolidate power and I will live in a MAGA dystopian hellscape for the rest of my life.


The Fate Of The Nation Rests On Vichy ‘Centrists’

by Shelt Garner

The only way Trump and Musk’s reign of terror ends is if “centrists” get woke to what is going on. These are people who usually are the bedrock of any stable democracy but at the moment are pretty much totally in for MAGA, hence the fascist state we currently live in.

I would LIKE to THINK that if Social Security checks are cut and if Medicare and Medicaid are totally broken that Vichy centrists might be given pause for thought. And, yet, given how they are totally and completely in for the racist culture war elements of MAGA — and Musk — I suppose that is rather hopeful thinking.

But Vichy Centrists are definitely a group to keep an eye on as we go forward. They will be crucial to stopping the counter-revolutionary rampage that DODGE and its snot nose Incels are currently on within the Federal government. Ideally, I suppose, when Social Security checks aren’t cut, that will cause enough of an uproar that maybe, just maybe, Trump will cut Musk loose and we can go back to having Trump and his unfocused tendencies in control.

Yet I think Trump probably loves Musk’s terror too much. I just don’t see him doing anything like firing Musk. He’s probably going to use any public uproar to declare martial law and that will be that.


The Political Slack In The American Political System Is Slowly Tightening

by Shelt Garner

Most conflicts start because of a miscalculation by one side. What MAGA leadership is assuming — which may not be true — is the MAGA base has such absolute fidelity to Trump (and by extension Musk) that they can burn the Federal government to the ground and nothing will happen.

Their reasoning is, I assume, that that the absolute racism and misogyny at the core of the MAGA movement is so all-powerful that the vast majority of MAGA and their associate Vichy collaborators will simply grin and bear it no matter how bad things get.

Don’t get me wrong — they may be right in that assumption. It could be that if Musk and his Incel toadies illegally carve out $2 trillion in “savings” from the budget that the fucking racists of MAGA will rationalize the sudden absence of Medicaid and Medicare away because they will be so happy that scary brown people are being mass deported.

And, yet, Musk and his Incels are so oblivious to the human condition that they could very well fuck with even Social Security checks and assume there will be no consequences. At the moment, what I think may happen is late this month — February – we will learn that Social Security checks will not come out at all.

This will cause a huge uproar — historic even — causing even ding-dong Trump pause for thought. There is a CHANCE that he will cut Musk loose. But we will find out soon enough that whatever Musk’s merry band of Incels did to the government’s computers is so bad that it could take months to fix, which will only aggravate an already touchy situation.

That is only one of a spectrum of possibilities, but it’s the one that gives me the most heebeejeebees. Something like that could cause the United States to buckle in a rather spectacular way, to the point that Trump might even be “deposed” in some way, which, of course, will in turn cause a civil war because Red States will get mad and leave the Union.

Or something. Maybe if Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are totally broken for six months that even the deepest Red voter in the Deep South will simply want Trump and Musk to go away so Vance can take over. I just don’t know one way or another.

All I know is things are going to get bumpy between now and April. Really bumpy. I just don’t know the shape or form that “bumpiness” will take. All the conditions are there for some rather severe, dramatic things to happen because the political slack in the U.S. system is quickly beginning to grow tighter and tigher.

Beware The Ides of March

by Shelt Garner

I think that because it will really begin to sink in to people by March 15 what is going on if Social Security checks aren’t cut on time that that is a date to think about. Two weeks of no Social Security money will be enough for people to flood the streets in protest, then Trump sick Red State National Guards on them, people die and then martial law is declared.

So, there you go, by March 15, my worse hysterical doom shit that I’ve been ranting about might actually happen — Trump will rule by decree and the US will become a military dictatorship until, I don’t know, Trump gets around to calling a Constitutional Convention so he can be God-Emperor.

I wish I was joking, but the way things are going, that definitely seems like our fate. There is a chance that we’ll have a zombie democratic system whereby Trump rules by decree and just ignores the other two branches of government. And that would be the long-term consequence of Trump’s second (and third?) term — we would be a dictatorship with a lot of superfluous people in the government who were ignored.

Someone Needs To Show Some Grit

by Shelt Garner

I know that Musk and Trump have a shit ton of political slack still in the system because no Blue with some power and authority is willing to, well, get arrested. Or to really go Howard Beale on their podcast or TV show — to freak out and tell people like it is: Trump and Musk are destroying the government.

I do get the sense that public hostility towards DOGE MIGHT be building. Maybe. A little bit. But we still have weeks before anything of note will happen that might make mass protests happen.

So, I guess we just sit around and watch as the U.S. government is consumed by a bunch of snot nosed tykes who clearly have never seen a woman naked, much ever gotten laid. It’s because things will be so different by the time we actually act that I think the old order is dead now and we need to start seeing the future in a different way.

We’re going to have a pretty drastic fork in the road soon — either we become a Russian style autocracy (or worse) or we do some massive direct action like a General Strike.

But, of course, the sad thing is most of this is out of the hands of Blues. It won’t be until a significant number Red voters grow disgusted with DOGE that Trump might purge Musk.

Yet, of course, we would still be stuck with Trump. Barring something I really, really can’t predict — Trump is probably going to run for an illegal third term and we’re just going to let him.

This is it. The end. Something new is being born, I just don’t know what it is yet.

Musk Is Not Going Anywhere For The Time Being (Sad To Say)

by Shelt Garner

The fusion of Elon Musk and Trump, the symbiotic relationship, isn’t going anywhere for the time being. This particular useful union just has too much momentum going for it for the time being.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that not until Red State voters really, really start to feel some sort of pinch from what DOGE is doing will anything even begin to move towards being changed. MAGA is a Nazi deathcult to the point that is may literally be impossible to budge your typical voter in the Deep South when it comes to their support of Trump.

Musk might be a different matter, but he’s so useful to Trump at the moment — doing things Trump is too stupid and lazy to pull off — that Trump may just cling to him tighter and tighter.

What’s more, the Blue opposition to what’s going on is so weak that by the time people get woke to what’s going on, everything will be so transformed that we will have to start from scratch. I still believe that the old order is imploding and a new order is being born.

I just don’t know what that new order will look like. But I do know that Musk is moving fast and breaking things to the point that there is going to be no turning back. We’re just going to have to accept that we’re in a new age and see what pieces we can somehow use in a new way.


By Shelt Garner

It seems at least possible that Elon’s tykes at DOGE will come up with some sort of AI interface for all of our interactions with the government — a sort of GovGPT. That would allow them to cut the government to the bone and fill the pockets of egotistical plutocrats even more.

I have recently thought a lot about how it’s possible that using AI we may reach a new dystopian state whereby there was absolute efficiency in the administration of the government, damn the consequences.

Little did I know that we might actually be careening towards such a future in months, not years. So, I don’t know. Just don’t know what to tell you. It seems as though because of this developments my own life could be totally upended very soon to a degree I could never have imagined just a few months ago.
