Birthright Citizenship Is In Serious Danger If Trump Is Re-Elected

by Shelt Garner

One of the absolutely bonkers element of any second Trump Administration is the fact that he will be gunning for something we all taken for granted — birthright citizenship. This make me both very angry and very alarmed because the first thing fascists — like the Nazis — do is start to fuck with who is a “citizen.”

I have conversations with my far more conservative relatives — whom I love dearly — and their reaction to the potential demise of something as fundimental as birthright citizenship is a real life shrug emoji. They just don’t care. All they care about is “securing the border” to the point that when you press them about how they plan to deport 20 million undocumented people — they just laugh.

They don’t care, they just want it to happen, damn the consequences.

So, it definitely seems as though if Trump is re-elected that many of my dystopian fears for his first term will come to fruition. I just don’t know what to tell you folks. It definitely FEELS like I may very well lose my citizenship and find myself in a Trump-branded concentration camp at some point after 2025 if I can’t manage to sell the novel I’m working on and get the hell out of the country.

Trump Is Going To Have Entirely Too Much Political Slack To Consume Before Anyone On The Right Notices That’s He’s Gone Full Tyrant If He’s Re-Elected

by Shelt Garner

It is growing more and more apparent to me that should, God forbid, Trump get re-elected that there is only one Red Line for most Traditionalists — the personal. Otherwise, they will be so happy that brown kids are again being torn from their mothers and put in cages that it will all be a lulz.

But when things get personal, then, yeah, Traditionalists might stop being Good Germans.

The only reason why I even bring such a thing up is Trump is so dumb and lazy that he is the only person who might thrash around in such a tyrannical manner as soon as he has power again that the people who should be the core of his support — center-Right Traditionalists — might actually become “Radical Moderates” just long enough for him to be successfully deposed.

Even this is very iffy.

Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe we really are going to go straight into a dystopian MAGA Nazi future where people like me are snatched off the street an no one — no even Traditionalists who are related to me — will care or notice.

And, yet, at least now, in early 2024, I’m not prepared to assume that that is the case. I’d like to think that if Trump really does go full tyrant on us that because of the Red Line of the personal that Traditionalists might, just might, look the other way if Trump has to be deposed. (Not that I’m advocating anything.)

It definitely will be interesting to see how, exactly, things play out going forward. Just from my conversations with my far more conservative Traditionalists relatives — whom I love dearly — we are in a lot — A LOT — of trouble if Trump is re-elected.

They just don’t believe that Trump is going to do all the shit that he has made very clear that he is going to do if he’s re-elected. I keep talking about Agenda 47 and Project 2025 and they look at me like they have no idea what the hell I’m talking about.

All I can say is, yet again, that late 2024, early 2025 is going to be VERY INTERESTING.

I Fucking Hate Guns

by Shelt Garner

My personal view on any sort of violence can be evoked by what Napoleon did when he landed in the south of France after escaping from exile on Elba. When confronted by the army sent to stop him, he was able to use persuasion to get them to join him and the 100 days had begun.

I would much rather use my wits to get what I want than do something a declassee as us a fucking gun.

One of my earliest memories is how I totally agreed with Hawkeye Pierce on M*A*S*H hating guns. Even then I was like — Yep, that’s me.

Rather than collect guns, I collect books. A lot of books. I have a small library of books I’ve collected over the years. And rather plot the overthrow of the government, I put all my energies into writing what I hope will be a six novel project that, using subtext, rants about how much I hate extremism.

All my writing about a Blue “Revolution” in 2025 is just me refusing to have some sort of abstract fear about what might happen if ding-dong Trump becomes POTUS again. That’s it. I just need to, for my own sanity, prove to myself that we, as freedom loving people, at least have options and that America 2025 is NOT Germany 1933.

Anyway. Only time will tell, I guess.

Thinking Seriously About A Blue ‘Glorious Revolution’ Against Red King Trump In 2025

by Shelt Garner

I can’t predict the future — no one can — but I have a personal compulsion to make my abstract fears concrete. As such, I just don’t think malignant ding-dong Trump can go full tyrant on us in a really haphazard way and there not be consequences.

If Mad King Trump really tries to rule the Blue parts of the US a tyrant as it seems clear that he does, then…oh boy. It just makes absolutely no sense to me that Mad King Trump could do all the tyrannical things he plans to do without any SA-like stormtroopers.

That is the key element of Hitler’s consolidation of power.

All these people who are aghast that I think there might be some reaction to Trump going full tyrant are making a basic mistake — they are assuming that if Trump starts to corrupt the administration of law and of justice that Blues are just going to roll over and let it happen.

As I always say at this point — I’m not advocating anything. I just believe in freedom loving Americans to refuse to live as slaves under MAGA tyranny. That doesn’t mean that a lot — A LOT — of smug Twitter liberals won’t flee the country.

They will.

But simply invoking the Insurrection Act isn’t some sort of MAGA fascist magic pixie dust. Rather than having “optimism bias” by proposing all of this, I think I’m being rather radical, clear minded and realistic.

I’m proposing that when pushed into a corner by MAGA fascists that Americans, en mass might rise up against the MAGA Trump regime in a stunning, historic way.

Just broaching this type of radical proposal is rather ironic coming from me, someone who hates any form of violence at all. But even the Constitution enshrines the right of the populace to revolt if need be. It’s weird that that particular provision of our founding document hasn’t gotten more attention of late, given all the bullshit that’s going on at the moment.

I have no idea of the specific of such a dire situation, but you, gentle reader, have to remember that not only is Trump NOT Hitler, but he also doesn’t have the SA to do his bidding. AND, what’s more, the US is far bigger, far more decentralized than Germany in 1933 and it would take time for ding-dong to build out the infrastructure necessary to knock heads the way Hitler did in early 1933.

That would be a window of opportunity for Blue forces to fight back against Mad King Trump. If we are VERY LUCKY, we might be able to co-ordinate some sort of General Strike that might cause such chaos in the country that the U.S. Military might step in and depose Trump in some way.

I know, I know, that’s pretty crazy sounding at the moment, but stranger things and all that.

The key thing for me is Traditionalists. These are people who are MAGA-friendly and they just want to see brown children torn from their families and put back in cages. When things get personal for them — say, when Trump uses a weaponized ICE to snatch their (white) relatives (like me) off the street then all bets are off.

The moment Mad King Trump loses the Traditionalists, then the lock is ticking. If we’re absolutely lucky, then Trump is successfully impeached because of the pressure of a General Strike. If we’re NOT lucky, then there is some sort of “Glorious Revolution” that doesn’t involve much violence, but does result in Trump and his veep being forceably deposed from power.

Now, obviously, this is the point where you say, “But won’t Traditionalists just become modern day Good Germans?”

That is very possible. But, remember, as I mentioned, Trump won’t have any SA shock troops as he enters power again. He’s dealing with 335 million Americans, most of whom have a basic assumption that the rule of law will be fairly and equitably administered.

Without an SA to remind Traditionalists to keep their heads down, there is a chance that their principles might kick in and they might, if nothing else, kind of look the other way as the more radical elements of the center-Left take charge.

I don’t want any of this to happen. But this is kind of personal for me because I’m a loudmouth drunk crank who simply will not, can not shut the fuck up about what a fucking cocksucker Trump is.

I will never, ever fucking shut up.

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees a slave.

‘Optimism Bias’

by Shelt Garner

I was put on blast by a Twitter liberal because I pointed out that if Trump goes full tyrant after his possible election then there will be consequences. She called my comment “optimism bias.”

As is so often the case when trying to debate a complex situation on Twitter, what I was trying to say was lost in the argument. I don’t think I’m being optimistic to suggest that we might have a fucking revolution if Trump goes full tyrant.

That seems anything but “optimistic.”

Seems pretty fucking dark to me.

Her argument, it seems, is this — we just have to give up if Trump wins re-election. We can’t even game out what we might do as a nation if Trump wins. We just have to cling on to rainbows and unicorn farts and put all our chips on “voting harder” and, as such keeping Trump out of office.

Jesus Christ does this confusion make me angry.

Rather than pinning all my hopes on “voting harder,” I think we should start to think seriously about the consequences of Trump being a tyrant in 2025. I just don’t think that the US will go the route of Germany in 1933. The two nations are just too different.

The US is huge, diverse, decentralized and has a strong tradition of democracy. And, if anything, I’m embracing the idea that there won’t be any guardrails if Trump is re-elected.

In fact, it is the very lack of political guardrails that might lead to the very dark scenario of a Blue Revolution that would, in some way, depose Trump.

Jesus Christ did that dumb argument on Twitter make me angry.

The Politics Of The Fed – Texas Standoff At The Border Are Subtly Shifting

by Shelt Garner

It definitely seems to me that the lingering and simmering stand off at the Texas border may lurch forward into new and dangerous territory at some point in the near future.

It seems to me that once it is absolutely clear that the immigration bill now in Congress is officially dead that Biden is going to do something like Federalize the Texas National Guard. The center-Left media echo chamber is slowly beginning to get woke to what’s going on down there and there is building pressure for Biden to act.

The question, of course, is what is going to happen when he does.

I honestly don’t know. But I do think that the US is a lot — A LOT — less stable than any of us would prefer. On a basic level, the Right has crossed the Rubicon when it comes to being willing to commit political violence to “hold the line” against the Federal government.

The fact that Nikki Haley in a craven effort to win votes in a primary she is going to 100% lose has said that states have a right to secede doesn’t exactly help the situation any.

But we’ve not reached a tipping point. Things could still go either way.

Trump Is Not Hitler, America 2025 Is Not Germany 1933 — But We’re Still In Danger

by Shelt Garner

It’s comical to try to make some sort of 1-to-1 between Hitler and Germany 1933 and Trump 2025 if he wins. I’m not saying it’s not POSSIBLE that Trump might somehow peacefully transition us into autocracy, just that if it’s Trump doing it, things might not go according to plan.

I have a lot of reasons to believe this.

People keep telling me to read up on the rise of the Nazis….and I have already done it and continue to do it! And the more I read and learn, the more I just don’t see there being a direct 1-to-1 between Trump and Hitler. So the fact that people who claim to have read ever so much more than me about this situation would claim some sort of 1-to-1 is very, very curious — and very annoying — to me.

But let’s go through some reasons why I believe that we can’t just assume that America will peacefully transition into a fascist state if Trump becomes POTUS again.

First, in general terms, Nazism was an expansionistic political philosophy, while MAGA is one of retrenchment. Some of these next differences are pretty obvious.

Germany in 1933 was a smallish, pretty centralized nation that had only become a democracy about a decade before after a horrible loss as part of WW1. America, meanwhile, is a very prosperous, very decentralize and diverse nation where we have a very strong sense of ourselves as being a “free country.”

Furthermore, Hitler was a Great Man of History. He bent history to his will. He was willing to knock heads — using the SA — and he was also, just in general, willing to put in the hard work necessary to transition Germany into a fascist state.

Trump, meanwhile, is a complete lazy idiot. And, what’s more, he’s not a Great Man of History. He’s just an avatar, a vessel for some pretty severe issues in American politics and culture. He just assumes that if he invokes the Insurrection Act that somehow, magically, that will be enough to subdue the Blue parts of a nation of 335 million people.

If it was anyone else in Trump’s historical position, then, yeah, I might be willing to believe America will soon be a true fascist MAGA state. But this is Trump we’re talking about. If Trump just pushes America straight into the cold dark waters of fascism overnight…there will be some sort of consequences.

I’m not advocating anything! I’m just saying if you do a back-of-the-envelope scenario, it just doesn’t make any sense that Trump could whip out his fascist MAGA cock and get freedom loving Americans to willfully suck on it. It’s just not going to happen.

One last thing — a key element of Hitler maintaining control in the early days was the SA making it clear to the average German that they had better be Good Germans…or else. And just from my discussions with my far more conservative relatives, it seems as though if Trump started to come after cranks like me that even Traditionalists in America might sit up and taken notice at such tyrannical behavior.

But I can’t predict the future. Who knows. But I still have hope that, in the end, we will save ourselves because no one else will.

I’m Just Not Prepared To Give Up On America

by Shelt Garner

The thing about having a discussion on Twitter is everyone is running around with scissors and even when you agree with someone, sometimes, they feel obliged to disagree with you.

That’s what happened to me recently when I got into a debate about what might happen if Trump wins this year. There were all these people who telling me that if Trump goes full tyrant on us, then, that’s it. We’ll just become Nazi Germany Redux and no one is going to do anything about it.

I have some serious doubts.

But my doubts are so nuanced that it’s just not possible for people on Twitter to comprehend that I actually agree with them, with a few caveats.

The issue for me is if it was anyone else but Trump in charge of our transition into autocracy, then, yes, we would become an autocratic state without much trouble. But this is Trump we’re talking about.

There is a real risk that rather than him gradually guiding us into what seems inevitable at this point — autocracy — that he will thrash around and be so ham-handed in his efforts that he will make a lot of Blue America very very angry.

I’m not advocating anything, but if Trump just overnight turns himself into a dictator, that will bump into America’s self-perception. And that is why I think there is a chance that Trump, specifically, might be deposed in some way if he does all these crazy dictatorial things he is proposing.

America 2025 will not be Germany 1933. In 1933, Germans were ready and willing to embrace fascism. In America 2025, we’re talking about a huge, diverse and decentralized nation where not only is the military a foundation of our democracy, but the forces of fascism don’t have an SA to run around and knock heads.

And it will take time for an SA to be built out, even if the fascists wanted to create enough storm troopers to round up 20 million people to deport them. And that would be a window of opportunity for, say, a General Strike. But, of course, there is a real possibility that about 1 million wealthy Blues will simply flee the country rather than be the core of any sort of effort to topple ding-dong Trump.

I can’t predict the future, but I do have hope.

Oh, Jesus

by Shelt Garner

I was accused of “optimism bias” on Twitter by someone who should know better simply because I believe it’s within the realm of possibility that Trump might be deposed.


I just can’t believe that if Trump does all the fucking bullshit that he is planning that the entire country is just going to shrug and let him do it. Really? Someone thinks that?

I know that, in general, Americans are pretty laid back, but if Trump starts to literally round up 20 million people and to go after his political rivals in a direct way… SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE IS GOING TO NOTICE.

I simply refuse to believe that Trump could go full tyrant and there wouldn’t be consequences of some sort. The US is too decentralized, too big, too diverse and has too much a tradition of democracy for Trump to go full tyrant without there being an effort to depose him.

But, who knows. It hasn’t happened yet.

Now That Stephen Colbert Has Mentioned The Federal Stand Off With Texas, We Lurch Forward

by Shelt Garner

One thing that has kept the lingering standoff between the Feds and Texas at a low, inconspicuous simmer is it really hasn’t caught the attention of the national press. Yes, Fox News and the rest of the outrage-fueled MAGA media have been all over it, but, in general, the center-Left MSM has been rather meh about it all.

There’s a chance that may change — last night, Stephen Colbert devoted a sizable chunk of his monologue to the stand off, going so far as to mention that the whole thing might cause another civil war.

Now that we’ve reached that milestone, we need to think about what happens next. I think it’s possible that Seth Meyers might devote his Closer Look feature to the stand off, which will add to the political momentum for Biden to do something about the situation.

But I think the key thing to think about is the immigration deal that’s ping-ponging around Congress at the moment. Once that deal is officially dead, then the Biden will be in the clear to escalate the situation with Texas by, say, Federalizing the Texas National Guard.

So, we’re not out of the woods yet. Add to all of this the looming possibility of another major regional war, this time in the Middle East, and….oh boy. I think we need to hunker down and maybe have a bug out bag handy in case the absolute worst happens.